Hi, well my kits arrived finally , and so im trying to figure out the colour of the vinyl so i know wash it needs to neutralise it....but i cant figure it out . its very pale ....if anything maybe the slightest peach to it . in this case will it need neatralising ?? and also is it essential to coat the inside of the head & legs with blue ? thanks :0)
How exciting for you that your kits came! Its like Christmas in June lol.
You can find the answers to your questions by using the search feature of the forum hun. Secrist kits do not usually need any color-correction. Some prefer to color-correct all their kits.
As far as the inside coloring... Secrist is the only vinyl with that "translucent" vinyl that the inside blue coloring was made for. Lots of the other vinyl or vinyl/silicone kits are not translucent and you don't need the inside coloring. I have also found that the German vinyl is similar to Secrist and I do use the inside coloring for them.