Does anyone know the steps to take to have your clay sculpt turned into a vinyl molds like they sell in the kits? I don't know anything at all about the process so any information that anyone can give would be helpful. Also, how are the limbs made? I have never seen anything on how to sculpt limbs or what the process is in how they are formed. I am trying to learn all that I can about it so no tidbit that you offer will go unappreciated by me. Thanks in advance!
I just found some information on getting the clay to vinyl, however, I still need info on sculpting the limbs. Again, any info you give will be appreciated.
Secrist has a dvd on sculpting mini babies including limbs. I know it's small but at least the information is there, you would just need to enlarge your limbs to the size you need. Hope this helps. Also, I'm sure there must be some information on the web if you google it. :D