The shine remover? I notice it just works for a very small amount of time. Is this just for like pictures. Sometimes the fingertips will get a little shine. Not like when you do the's after you are done with your photoshoot. Rubbing the vinyl just shines it right up nice and spiffy doesn't it? arg..
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF
The superior shine remover is supposed to be permanent I thought. Did you bake it just like the other genesis paints? I know that some have used the Mr Clean sponge on those repeating shiny spots. You might want to give one a try?
I couldn't find anywhere that it was suppose to be it? Maybe that's why it only works for a little bit. dang. I've tried searching for that answer and they just said to run it in and don't put no's suppose to must come right off.
I have another question Pat, On those inner glow says they wear 0-3 mo and are 22 inches that talking about Zoe and Missy? It didn't seem to say one or the other..just 'your inner glow baby will be about 22 inches long" Well the missy head I have would look dorky on a 22 inch just have a hard time trying to figure their dexcriptions out. Thank you...I have Mr. Clean hanging around here. It does work...temp...just like the permanent shine remover does lol
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF