Has any one had their reborn eyes change color? If you look into the eye at the pupil, it starts changing and going purple. I have this happen to me in the Porcelain Dool Making with Gastic Real life Eyes. Now with the Secrest eyes a similar thing is starting to happen with the 7/8 pr of eyes I have here. I hated replacing eyes in the Porcelain Dolls and started using oval Paper weight glass eyes, they never change colour. So i'm think with my next lot of reborns which I hope to start at the end of May, I'll be using the oval grass eyes in them also. XXXXX June.
They are sending me new ones, they said that they had this problem 7yrs ago, once I receive them I send mine back so they can investgate. If they are made out of the same factorfy as the Life Like Eyes then they will most likly be the same in changing, it is only a slight change at the moment but they are eyes I haven't used. I think it would only be seen by the trained eye. XXXXXX June.