On the course #3 video Pat mixes the AR purple wash w/ thinner but in the catalog there is a tutorial using a "dry" method. Is one method better than the other or does each method work better for different effects or different types of vinyl?
They are both good methods, although I personally like the wet method better. They give different results as the dry method is more concentrated and you can apply it right where you want to.
Thanks, I have been using the liquid method but I am always trying to learn more. I know that other doll makers do not have the translucent quality of the Secrist vinyl and I thought the dry method might be needed for those.
My poor second baby had to have all her paint removed three times but I finally have the hang of getting the paint thin enough. All the help from the forum is priceless!!!! I just absolutely love reborning but I know that getting so much help from the forum posts is a big part of that!
I have found that no other company (other than DD with the German vinyl) has anything close to Secrist's translucent vinyl. As mod, I comment on Secrist/AVDW stuff but personally on "other" reborning stuff and kits/dolls. Mostly the other doll kits don't need any internal wash. I think a lot of people do an outer wash instead or no wash at all. Thanks for the compliments on our forum, we have a lot of talent in here to help others! I am very proud of our forum and the people in it!
That is really good to know. I do have 2 kits that I bought before I knew about Secrist dolls. I prefer Secrist but eventually I will do the others. Now I won't waste my inner wash paint on them.
Ya, those others just don't seem to need it. And those that have done the inner wash on the other dolls/kits haven't seem much if any difference. Glad I could help hun :D
It seems to me that Secrist has made quality a priority with their products and quality speaks for itself. A doll is only as good as the vinyl it is made from so the translucence of the vinyl needs to be there to begin with, it is hard to duplicate with paint.