How do you know when you're done? I mean, I have little David Micheal's head finished to where when I look at him, I think how wonderful he is. I haven't added hair. I want to, but I want it to be perfect, so he might have to wear a hat for a while till I get the technique right. lol
His limbs are slightly veined and flesh coated and creased, but I still have blushing to do.
Just how do you know when the baby is finished? How detailed should I get? Am I even making sense?? LOL
Well, this will probably sound silly or not an answer but... you know when it looks how you want it to look. If you think you're done then don't do like I do and keep picking. I have to tell myself... PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE BABY! lol I tend to go a little overboard when checking them out when I think they're done and sometimes I muck it up and have to redo something, whereas if I had left it be... well, I wouldn't have to do it over or correct it.
When you think it looks like a baby, then stop. If you've done all your painting (ie: veins, mottling, eyelid capalaries, etc) then stop, step back, and seriously look at it. Does it look like a baby to you? If it does, then probably you're done painting.
If you think David Michaels head is done, then leave it and do the rest. Try not to second guess yourself or analize too much.