How about a cutesie name like "Muffy's Little Nursery" or "5 Toes and a Button Nose" or Puss N Booties,Princess Jasmine's Babies,My Adorable Little Ones Nursery,...I'll come up with a few more later if needed
What a great discussion! Y'all are very creative, but Liselle may be right about certain words in the name having a negative effect.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
I have my nursery name and I am debting on whether to go ahead and try my hand at a new business. I mean my mo has one of herself, But I would like my own. We are business partners as well as a mother daughter duo.. lol
well it's just in thinking stages.... maybe maybe not...
Jodie B. Lil' Feet Boutique "Where Love Begins" Current avatar is baby Jacob
The problem is sometimes words we think are "cutesy", may not be how others interpret it. Muff is slang for female anatomy, and may be perceived badly as a nursery name. Same with Puss n Booties. I'm not trying to be discouraging, I'm just letting you know.
Coming up with names has got to be one of the most difficult things to do.
Back in the 1950's and 1960's this would have been an openly accepted name...sad how a cute name is automically taken as a vulgarity..this makes for a very sad and vulgar minded people...a nasty minded American population...even in the UK Muff or Muffin or Muffy is a charming term...
Maybe they'll think its a covert operation....
Well back to the old think-tank....or I may just weather-the storm any and all storms,I'm tryin the raging waters here...ride the storm or sink and drown....warrior or coward(as in hiding behind a badge and arms)
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider who sat down beside her, And frightened Miss Muffet away!
I like Little Miss Muffet Nursery! I think that's cute! Conjures up images of cute little innocent girls, which is what your dolls represent.
I too, wish society wasn't so sex-minded. I honestly didn't use to be so I turned 30, and the past 10 years, it's all I can think about! LOL. Heaven help my better half. He can't keep up! LOL
Oh well, it's all good. Don't sweat the name, and the right one will come to you. You'll know it without a doubt when you hear it. In the meantime though, nothing wrong with throwing out names to us and listening to the sounding board!
I wouldn't have a clue to call mine, if I decide to go that route.
I've not been able to sleep its not the rum...that name I changed by eBay ID to is troubling me,I will change it only to something gentle and without suspicion...
a gentle touch nursery(same name as my organization I'm building to help the helpless)
I've got all but 1 more person for the the advisory board..I've already got a national organization's letter of endorcement and recommendation..but the organizations is sitting on the back burner..simply because I don't have the funds...I'm broke...well at least my mind is still very active...etc
And Kim you really seem to be a very very adorable young lady..and I wish you all the luck in the world in whatever you decide to tackle...
I have just decided on what I want to call my nursery. Any advice for a newbie on this?
What have you decided on? Just name it something that you like. Mine is Timeless Treasure Babies Nursery, so then I make "Timeless Treasure Reborns". Both names are in the process of being (TM) trademarked so no one else can use the names and bask in the publicity and famousness hahahahaha. No, seriously, I am trademarking them. But do something with the name and try not to copy someone elses name. I've gone into other forums and searched nursery names so I don't have the same as anyone else, that way I don't step on anyones toes, NWIM?
Over here you have to have a ABN number, You can register a name but most don't because they all class it as a hobby. Once you register, or have an ABN number, you then have to do tax and it becomes complicated, as most of them are only hobbies, to make your mind active and give your hands something to create. I had registered a name for my Porcelain Dolls, ( Just Modern ) I didn't do anything with it as I spent more than I made. I had a Breakdown from work hassels and was intitled to compensation because the boss caused the problem. Because I had registered the name, I got nothing. Still fighting it though $60,000 is better off in my pocket. So before you do trademark your name, look into it carefully. XXXXX June. PS I used the first 2 letters of my 4 children to come up with " Sara Zata's Heavens Angels "
You can trademark pretty much anything, or register it, or copywright it. It just depends on how much you want to invest as far as time and money. You can do your initial research on the web but the officials have to dig deep and that costs. Sometimes it's as little as $35-$75.
So June, that's what you look like! You make a good mother nature hun! hehehe
Yes Pat, but guess what, my kids tell me I'm just the mushrooms, Fed on Bull Dust and kept in the Dark.LOL. That's because I'm a Pieces, a day dreamer, love, elves, unicorns, angels, cherubs, Fantisize about amoust everything, but I am thinner now I have lost about an other 4 kg's since Tamara did that photo. XXXXX June.