Patricia, I'm not 100% sure on this one. I tested it, but would like to hear from others.
Theoretically, you should be able to add more heat set paint on top of the Superior Shine Remover because it is a product that you cure with heat.
However... I also know that only one one coat of Superior Shine Remover is recommended.
I tested by adding paint over the Superior Shine Remover and then re-applied the product. It was shiny and almost looked like I had not applied any shine remover. I applied another coat of Superior Shine Remover and it seemed to have no effect. Still shiny.
So.... as much as I hate removing paint, my experience seems to indicate it is necessary if you want to eliminate shine.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
The acetone won't damage the vinyl but some have gotten a white-ish film over it. You must immediately wash the part in hot sudsy water (Dawn detergent works best) and wrinse well. This should minimize any film as I believe it is actually a residue left by the acetone. You could always try a layer of matte finish over the doll and then try your layers of flesh paint. Do it like Linda did but on a test limb, not your baby. Paint it like you did the doll, then try the matte over the paint and superior shine remover. Then try to paint the part after baking the matte. See what happens. Like she said... theoretically...