Hi everyone,Im working on my first doll Rosie a secrist doll. I did watch the DVD that came with the kit but I guess I was too excited and got way to much blush.Ive tried to fix this promblem by adding more layers of the fleshtone that came with the kit,baking inbetween. I have it light now but it turned chalky. Can this be fixed ? Any help would be appecitated trudy
I Trudy and welcome! There are many topics on the "chalkies" in the forum. Too many to recount them all here, but there are several ideas on how to deal with it. Just click on the search box and tyoe in chalkie. =) Hope this helps and good luck!
Trudy, let us know how things work out with getting rid of chalkiness. It's always nice to hear people talk about what works.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Is it chalky all over or just in the deep creases? If it is just in the creases you can use a round diamond file and gently file it off. if it is all over, I think the only thing you could try is wiping it over with oderless thinnners and redoing the parts. Sorry, I have a couple I have to redo as I did them with inks and I layed on on My Santa, and the red dye from his velvet suit has leached out onto her face. Also she is an oily kit. XXXXX June.
Thanks for all your help,I used the orderless thinners and put a real light coat of skin tone tone on her and tried to fix her up in general. She doesnt look too bad. Im happy with her for a first attempt. Plan on working on rooting her hair this weekend.Looking at all the doll faces trying to decide who I will try next. THANKS TRUDY
Remember, the main reason for chalkies is too thick of paint being used. Keep your layers very thin. Also for too loud of blush, do a color correction (also many many threads in forum on that).
When in doubt just use the search feature. You'll find more than we can remember! :o