I sponged on some heat set matte varnish on my finished doll. I set it with a heat gun. In some places it looks chalky. What can I do to remove the chalkiness? Anything? The varnish is about two years old, but the lid was on good. Does this sealer get old? Is ther any way to make this look acceptable? This look that is going on looks like that newborn dry skin texture Lol! Please, any help is appreciated. Thanks,Connie
Heavenly Halo Nursery Original Doll Artist Connie Barton
hmmm.....this has happened to me before, but the only thing i can think that you did wrong would be putting it on too thick. i'm not the best one to ask this question to, but i think i cured mine by using some non-acetone (sp?) nail polish remover and just dipping in a Q-tip and just lightly rubbing on the chalky area. don't take a lot thought, just make the tip slighlty damp. as i said before, i'm not the best one to answer this question, so you may not want to trust my advice. but, i'm sure someone else can help you better. best of luck, and maybe i could help.
Thanks so much, Ivy. I think I did apply it too thick. I will be much more in the thinking mode of "a little goes a long way" with this. Thanks so much for answering my question Blessings,Connie
Heavenly Halo Nursery Original Doll Artist Connie Barton
oh your very welcome Connnie. i'm so glad that i could help you, hopefully your problem will be fixed and your baby will turn out beautiful! best of luck!