I haven't ever had a white film after stripping a doll with acetone. I've been trying to find any reference to this on other sites, but I haven't had any luck.
Were you trying to strip off factory paint? Or, was this a kit that you painted and then tried to take the paint off? If this is a doll that you painted, was it Genesis or Authentic Reborn pain?
Just wondering... Maybe the white film is depends on other factors?
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
I always make sure that immediately after stripping any doll I wash the vinyl in hot sudsy water to remove any residue. It leaves a white film if you don't get it cleaned right away. Try a dish soap that has grease removers but isn't harsh. Once you do that and dry it that should aleviate the problem. If there is any left it should go away with baking when you paint.
I think I have the same thing. I have a little Berringuer head and I'm wanting to used legs and arms from another kit. How can I get the orange color out. Right now it's whitish, but I haven't washed it yet.
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF
To neutralize the usual orange Buerenger color you just use your colorwheel. We have many posts on the colorwheel and color correcting. Check it out :) And only add a very tiny bit of the correction color to your flesh or you'll have a different color baby then lol
I use Secrist's Authentic Reborn Orange Remover, and love the way it works.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)