Hi, I want to reborn the 15inch Louise doll, both body and head but I have some questions about it. Do the limbs come separated from the torso so that they can be given the interior wash and weighted for realism? If they are separated how are they attached back?
Sorry but the description doesn't really give a lot of information on the body. The doll is precious and I want to try reborning it but am curious about how that is done. Thanks Frances
If you order the full vinyl with the torso and everything, yes it does come all in peices just like the rest of the kits. You can definately do the internal wash on them. To attach the limbs and head it's easier if you heat the body/torso on low in the oven and then assemble while warm. It just helps the vinyl to be more flexible. The limbs and head have the usual flange and ty-wrap channel so you can either use the vinyl torso or put a cloth body on her using the ty-wraps as usual.
I did Louise a few monthes ago. She's an adorable sculpt. The only thing I was disappointed with was the full body torso. I just didn't care for the limbs but that is just my opinion. You'll have to show us yours when you finish her.
Good luck with the adorable Louise. When she's finished, we would it if you can post her photo in the Artist Showcase.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)