Jodie, See answers to your questions below in red.....
jburle wrote:
I got all my materials that I needed.... I have couple questions...
1. The internal purple wash I use on the inside of the baby head? I did watch the movie but I am still unclear. I know I must seem really stupid but Iam just a little confused.
If this is a Secrist doll, use the internal purple wash inside the head and limbs as directed. If it is not a Secrist doll, you can skip this part if the vinyl is opaque and not translucent. On dolls made of Secrist vinyl, the internal purple wash really does seem to make the doll come alive.
My second question is: do I have to use the special paint brushes that came with the kit? or can I use the paint brushes you would find in an artist paint aisle like in Joanns or Hobby lobby?
Use whatever paint brushes work best for you. Use brushes that are a high enough quality that they do not shed brush hairs. It can really be annoying to keep trying to get brush hairs out of the paint.
3. after each layer you have to bake the head and limbs?
Yes, bake after each layer of paint or paints or when you want to preserve your work and prevent the color from mixing with another color. Sometimes it's okay to bake after more than one paint color or layer is applied. For instance, you can do the internal purple wash and veining before baking (if you feel comfortable doing so) because the paint is being applied to separate areas. Or, maybe you want to try for a more mottled newborn look by applying two or more flesh colors on the same layer. Bake when you want to lock in the color.
4. Last question!! I use flesh 08 for my base coat but then I ca use other flesh coats over? and if I use the flesh 08 then if I want a skin color like An American Indian then I would use one of the tan skin tone paints?
Yes, you can and should use other paint colors over the base color that you have baked. This is the way to create the look of more realistic skin texure.
If you decide to make an ethnic or darker skinned baby, I would suggest starting out with a darker base color. Making ethnic babies is considered a more advanced skill, and that is why it is not usually included in the beginning reborning tutorials. There are books / electronic media available on the subject. You might also try searching in this forum or on the internet for more information.
Thank you for your patiences.... I am starting her this week hopefully by friday which is tomorrow.... It's a girl, she is for my mom for her birthday.... can't wait to see how she turns out and I will share my photos when she is done......
I bet your mom will love the baby doll because you made her so have fun experimenting with the paint colors. Can't wait to see your finished baby doll!
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Thank you Linda you were alot of help too me. Yeah I was wanting to do a American Indian skin tone because my grandmother was American Indian... so I wanted to give my mom's baby that skin tone look.
I am excited to get working on her... She is a preemie Zoe from Secrist dolls. I wanted to use the best quality heads and limbs that was out there. Including the materials.
I will keep looking on here for more information on the skin tones which ones that would be a good American Indian Skin Tone...
Thanks again.....
Jodie B. Lil' Feet Boutique "Where Love Begins" Current avatar is baby Jacob
Hi Jodie, 1. the internal purple wash is used inside all the limbs including the head for translucent kits. There should be a thread around here somewhere explaing more on the purple wash, I don't use it myself opting for external washes.
2. You can use brushed other than the ones that come with the kit, however if you already have the brushes included you can use them.
3. yes
4. yes for additional layer of other flesh tones, creates depth changin skin coloring I 'm not sure I haven't done that yet, but someone else should be along that can help on that one. Good Luck!
Everyone is correct in their information here in this post. One additional note: American Indians, just like every other ethnicity, have varying skintones (light, dark, etc) so my suggestion would be to try to closely match the paint tone specifically to your grandmothers skintone rather than a "sterio-typical" skin tone. Look at her (or a pic) and try to match paint to tone. That would give you the closest match. Also note that skintones are definaltely made up of more than one color. Sometimes the Genesis do bake a little bit darker so also be aware of that. Hope this helps :)
thank you all SO Much with your information!! I would never doubt any of your information on this forum... I have seen pretty much all of your little darlings to know that I am in good care of information...
I will be back if I got any more questions... talk later... Byes
Jodie B. Lil' Feet Boutique "Where Love Begins" Current avatar is baby Jacob