help me please my 6 year old found my purple wash and squirted it on my fenished head. found it in time to get most of it off it was all in the eyes (closed) but it is all ready rooted but not glued i allso have baby tears in the mounth and on the crease of the eyes the purple is not so bad on the head will be covered by hair but i could not get it off the cheek i do not have a heat gun to do spots like this please help.
Heather I am sorry to hear that. Did you try to wipe it off with odourless thinners. You could put it back in the oven because you didn't glue it yet, but I am not sure about the baby tears. The problem is with the purple wash and blues, it penetrates the vinyl very quick. H.ope someone will be able to help you
If you can't get it off with the thinner, you can always treat it like an ink spot/mark and try the benzoil peroxide acne cream to see if that works. I don't believe it takes off the paint you already painted but it might work on the spot. Or you could turn it into a birthmark.
A substance such (like acetone) will remove paint, but it will remove all of your paint--definitely not what you want to do. Maybe you could try a little color correction (by mixing and applying a ittle of the color opposite of purple on the color wheel) to the affected area..
You should be able to bake the head. You might want to put a slightly damp towel around the head to cover the mohair when you bake it. I've done this before and it seems to prevent the mohair from becoming too dried out.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
I'm with Pat. Got a spot of the same stuff on one of my dolls and didn't realize until after I had baked it. I did some color correction, which didn't fix it totally, but helped. So, I added a few little other marks and decided it's now a birthmark! Doesn't look too bad, either! Good luck! Hugs, Melinda
thank for your help no matter how much crecton i did it did not help, but lighten it up. i did put it back in the oven i with the paper glaze on and nothing want wrong thank god for that. i have started rooting the hair and the purple just looks like she has a vain going down he head. when i finish sam i will put the pic on, she came out prety good for my second one.
You know, I think that sometimes little "oops" really make a baby extra special and add character and realism. After all, I have yet to see a perfect human baby! Hugs, Melinda