I recieved a reborn for Christmas from my mom (I have 3 boys so she had to get me a girl (Faith), lol) I fell in love with her and being the crafty type I thought I would try my had at one. I did pretty weel so far, for being my first, but now I am at the point of stuffing her and feeling Faith her hands feel solid. I have sand, pellets and poly-fil. I can't get the poly-fil all the way down there (they are 3/4 limbs) so I poured some sad in and they felt squshy and not right? Do I need something else? How do I do this?
If you are keeping your reborn (if you got it as a gift I imagine you will) you can use sand. However, since you are making new ones do not use sand if you intend on selling them at all. You can not ship dolls containing sand out of the country. Customs will not allow them to go through as sand is considered "bio hazard". Even if it's sterilized. To them, sand is sand.
If you can't get the polyfil in the limbs you can use a paintbrush end or a chopstick. You can also use the nylon polypellets instead of sand, or you can use glass beads (available on Secrist site).