I'm guilty of not reading the rules and regulations... I posted two times and I did mention what type of kits I have reborned and what type of genesis paints that I use. I hope this wasn't a big boo boo. Just wanted to let you know that I read this thread after posting.
AVIVA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud Mom of A Captain in the USAF
Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure it's not a serious infraction of the rules. We can say who we reborned but usually we just mention initials of where the kit was from. Same with the Genesis paints, usually just the initials (like BB or DD or SRD). :)
Sorry, If dealers are in forum, they cannot list or e-mail any wholesale information to anyone else. It is all confidential. I have responded to your pm regarding this matter :) If anyone is found to be sharing the dealer information with anyone else (dealer or not) they will have their dealership revoked.
I have also sent your information request to Secrist and they should respond quickly. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Been a way for a while with things going on. Real excited to get started again. Hope I'm still a member of this wonderful forum? Really miss chatting with all you Wonderful ladies. I'm still learning and really could use your help. Have a good evening. LINDA
Welcome back and I'm sure you're still a member. Sign in with your information so we can see your post name. All we can see your name as is "need help!!" lol. Be sure to go into your profile and change that or put another one in there so we know Linda :)
Hi all, not sure if the notice is to me or not. The reason I am online is to let people know these wonderful babies are available and this is a nonprofit that appeals specifically to Alzheimer's women and men. People make a donation that they are comfortable with. Hope there is no confusion here. Jacque
I'm going to have you move this post to the "for sale or trade" or "misc chatter" as that is were it should be posted hun, not in the rules. Since you stated those babies are available I'm gonna say move this to the for sale topic. It will be seen better in one of those topics as most people don't come in here much.