Hello; I recently purchased the Secrist Sculpting doll form and the sculpting Dvd as well as some blank eyes. I thought the dvd would show me how to sculpt a closed eyed baby using the sculpting form, however it doesnt. In the dvd it shows you how to make an open eyed baby. Does anyone know how I can make a closed eyed baby using this doll form? The main part which I am confused about is that in the dvd it shows you how you split the eye and bring that clay to form the upper and the lower flesh on the eye. How would you form that extra flesh if you wouldnt pull the extra clay down as you would with an open eyed baby? Thanks so very much and all of your help is appreciated! God bless and have a wonderful day! :)
Kati, I have used those sculpting forms for both open and closed eyed babies. For a closed eye baby, when it says to make the split and then move the clay... you still make the slit but you take your tapered tool (the squarish one with both sides the same and flat end) and just push the clay in to look like an eyelid. You actually wouldn't make the cut the entire way through cause the clay will stay where it is. Just make sure that when you do that you make the lid rounded a little not a sharp edge. Look at your own eye or get close up pics of baby eyes to use as a learning tool. You can probably google eyes or eyelids and click on images. I know there are lots you can look at on the web. Hope this helps
Thank you so very much for your advice and help. I will give it a try and see how it turns out. I will look at some images to get a better idea of how it should look. Thank you so very much and have a great day!
One more thing... Secrist has full round eye blanks for the closed eye babies. Be sure you get those instead of the regular ones as no one will see they are blank. KNIM? :) It will save you money :)