i'm not sure how far to cut the nipple on the bottle and where to glue the magnet.also how do i make the white milk thats fake and do i glue to seal it as well.thanks,laura
I use fabric softener for the milk as well. I usually mix some of the off-white fabric softener with the white softener for a formula color. I seal up the bottles with E6000.
For the pacifiers, I cut off the nipples as close to the plastic as I can. Basically, you want to remove the entire nipple.
As far as the nipple on the bottle I haven't heard of anyone cutting it off for the bottle, just the pacifer. You can seal the bottle off so the fake milk won't come out. Janie
I just throw the nipple bottle away. I use a bottle that has a cap with it. Glue the magnet on the top of the cap (with E-600) and let dry. Cut out a round piece of felt a little larger than the cap and glue it over the top of the magnet, let dry. Glue the cap to the inside of the bottle top, let dry. Fill the bottle to the level you want with white fabric softner (I put 1-2 drops of yellow food coloring in mine for realism) being careful not to get the top wet. Put glue on the outside rim of the bottle and the rim inside the top and screw down tightly. Let it sit out and dry for 24hrs. (do not turn the bottle upside down before 24 hrs. Your all done! hope this helps, janet
I do the same as Karen and Nightngale, Seal the hole in the teat and use silacone and locktite, so the bottle cant leak and cant be unscrewed. I use the teat because, how many newborns do you see with a bottle stuck to their mouth. I think it looks more realistic. Also I have found, small training cups and done the same with them, using different ammouts of fabric softner. Here in Australia, we have recently been able to purchase small bottles of concentrate fabric softner, and it looks moe real the the 2 lt bottles.
I'll have to try the silicone in the nipple. I tried sealing the top to the bottle with silicone once and after a few days it got all gummy and leaked! Thanks, I will try using it in the nipple! janet
The Secrist add in Lifelike Dolls Mag. says they have a free online tutorial on how to make the bottles. I have searched and can't find it. Anyone else seen it and I am just blind?
When I make my magnetic bottles, I put my fake milk into my bottle and drop a strong magnet into the bottle as well then seal the ring and cap. This way you can use the bottle for different babies (the magnet flips inside the bottle to adapt to any baby you have). I also cut a piece of matching felt for over the outside of the sealing cap to protect my babies lips when they come into contact with the bottle.
No not at all Pat. Works wonderfully. Does clatter around a it then you shake the bottle but if you don't mind the noise, it very compatible with all babies no matter which way the magnets are place on them. I've been doing my bottles this way for about 8 monthes and the magnetic are still working perfectly and the "milk" still looks the same as the day I put it in the bottle.