I have a Paulette Lindsey doll kit by Linda Webb and no matter what I do with it I just don't like it. I'm not having trouble with the colouring or anything like that but I have tried painting it with a very light complexion, then a mottled complexion, then darkening the skin slightly and have also tried adding some raw umber to warm the colour but I just don't like the look. This was going to be the first baby that I put on ebay to see how it goes but I don't think I will bother yet as I certainly wouldn't be happy receiving it.
I wanted to know what everyone thinks, Do you think that maybe I just don't like this paticular sculpt. When I look at it all I see is a big square face and to be honest I think it is quite ugly.
I don't know whether to just get on with it and put it on ebay and see what happens or whether to just ditch it. I'm worried that This first doll will wreck my chances of selling future dolls.
I have made quite a few dolls now and have sold some to people I worked with and they were thrilled with them but I have a bad felling about this one.
Sometimes i dont take to a sculpt to well either i usualy put it back in my wardrobe until another time, you could always post pictures in the artist showcase and get others feedback see how they feel if you really arnt keen on the sculpt you may not see the beauty that others can see :) (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
There isn't much to post a picture of now as it has had the nail varnish remover treatment, LOL. I think that I really just don't like that doll as much as I thought I did when I ordered the kit so I am going to leave it alone for a while then when I do come back to it, if It still does nothing for me, I will post a few pictures and get some opinions. Thanks to both of you ladies for your replies.
Well, I have come back to the Paulette Lindsay kit and have painted it again and I still feel the same about it. I'm sorry to say that it is the ugliest baby I have ever seen,LOL. I have seen a few on ebay and I think they are just as ugly. Morningside nursery sold one and don't get me wrong I am not saying anything against Jennifer Hovan's dolls because I think her dolls are absolutely fantastic but I even found that one to look ugly. This doll is just not going to do anything for me no matter how many times I paint it so I have decided that I am going to strip it back to being totally bare and see if I can sell it on ebay as a kit. As it is a limited edition kit I am hoping someone may want it and they can get themselves a bargain as I will sell it for a lower price. I am just wasting my time and paint with it. Thank you to all you ladies for your help and saying that you would give me opinions but even if somebody says she isn't that bad I don't think I would believe it.
Well, sorry you didn't like her. I think it's that tongue (IMHO). That give the little bub a hard start I think. I noticed that quite a few people don't like a lot of the open mouth dolls let alone one with a tongue sticking out like hers.
Maybe someone would like her, like you said. Must be like the old addage... a face only a (some) mother would love. I must not be that mother lol Good luck on her sale.
LOL Pat, I think you may be right about her tongue and I must definately not be her Mummy because as hard as I have tried I just can't love that little face. Oh well never mind, lots more to try. Thanks.
I thought, No matter what your baby looked like, all mothers are bias, and think their baby is the most beautifull. Sorry to hear that she isnt your cup of tea, but then, I haven,t seen the sculpt. So I can,t make any judgement. Just kidding. LOL