Do you make your creases dark? I noticed on e-bay that a lot of babies have creases that are the same color as surrounding skin. What do you do with your babies?
depending on the age of the baby premies i do a blush colour crease oldr babies a natural one it really depends on the look your wanting to achieve hun ((hugs))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Rosemarie, if you close your fingers and look at the shadow, and then do the same with a babies you will see that there isn't much difference in colour at all, if they are clenched ,they are a fawny colour, like a shadow. Hope this info is OK. June M from Oz
Leah, I'm working on Petunia with 3/4 limbs. She has some very distinct creases on her nose and near her eyes that I don't want to be too prominent. I'd like them to look a little softer.
Also, I think I'll do what June said and look more at creases in real skin on real babies/people! Good idea!
Rosemarie, I think you will find that this looks more natural than a reddish colour, In porcelain you use a pinkish colour and a soft brown to get the effect. June M from Oz
Leah, I'm working on Petunia with 3/4 limbs. She has some very distinct creases on her nose and near her eyes that I don't want to be too prominent. I'd like them to look a little softer.
Also, I think I'll do what June said and look more at creases in real skin on real babies/people! Good idea!
for a very natural look i take some flesh 07 mixed with genesis thinner and i use a stipple brush to pounce it along the crease then i go over it with a sponge making sure i blend the outer paint into the already flesh tone, then take my fan brush and gently brush it out wards on each side of the crease ( gettign rid of any blotches of paint in the crease itself) then pounce again with a clean sponge so it appears barely noticable but it will show as a shadowy type crease when all creases are done this way ,hope this helps (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
The creases are really just shadows to show depth. The darker the crease, the more depth you'll get. When my fingers are typing there is barely any difference (but there is some) in the creases around my knuckles. If I flatten out my hands there is a striking difference between my skin color and the crease due to the shadow.
Thanks, Loves, Leah, and June! I bookmarked this page on my computer, and I'm going to print it out for reference as I work on my creases. Everything you said is so true and so helpful.
This is great! Thanks! I really admire and appreciate your expertise.