Does someone know if there is a book or DVD dedicated to showing/demonstrating how to sculpt babies only? I have been creating things out of clay lately (just animals) and it's really fun. I have attempted a few babies, I am really no good at it, but would love to do it. So I just need a something that can assist me in doing this. Any ideas? Thanks.
Tracy, I would suggest starting with the Secrist sculpting tutorial DVD and head form. That will get you a head to start with and then see if you are interested in moving on to sculpting limbs and torsos. Take a look at the materials on the homepage.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Thanks. Is there another DVD that demonstrates how to do the limbs? Also, where do you get the head form? Do they come in different sizes, because I just want to do smaller dolls.
Tracy, No they do not currently have anything on sculpting limbs, but the head forms do come in several sizes from small (preemie) to large, with extra large coming. (slightly more mature infant) Just check under the "sculpting" tab on the Secrist homepage.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
I know when I started doing research on sculpting I found a lot of free tutorials. When I start, I plan on getting the head form and DVD from Secrist. But when I get to limbs I'll use the ones I found on the internet! Just do a search on sculpting. If you can't find anything, let me know, and I'll make a copy of my bookmarks for you!
Also if you google and also Barnes and Nobel book stores you can find all kinds of books on sculpting humans. I have many in my library. Take a look.
Miniworld dolls also has some books on sculpting dolls. The Secrist dvd is great for the heads, but the only video I know of that shows how to sculpt a head and limbs is one by Pat Moulton. You can probably find it on Ebay.
Thanks for posting that Nai Nai. Steph is really good at sculpting (as we all know from her babies we are newborning)! She also has a new sculpt out and a book (all on her site).
Wouldn't it be just as easy to copy already sculpted arms and legs for the size head you sculpt, I know when I did Madelain in clay, I poured a pair of porcelain legs and a pair of ornament ,old fashioned boats and attached them and made a differtent type of leg. It turned out nice., Try to sculp off a copy and alter it to suite your own baby, just a suggestion. June M from Oz.
I've also seen a lot of neat videos on sculpting mini polymer clay babies on youtube if you search for sculpting polymer clay baby. They had some on sculpting limbs. The videos were really fascinating to watch!
There are a LOT of utube's about making clay babies. Thats what I did, google clay baby and you might find something that suits you, at least to give you a start
Lead me not into temptation.. I can find it myself
I started sculpting after checking out Stephanie's tuts....practice makes perfect! you don't need to spend a fortune straight up either, as there will be alot of learning to do...I tried that for a bit then when I felt ready to tackle the soft-bodied babies I went for it... I started small... 2-4 " full sculpts to be honest...
TO CREATE A FULL SCULPT: get some thick wire, fold over the ends, cover the base with masking tape, then bake a tiny ball of clay on the end. This will be your foundation for a new little baby. Imagine that little ball as the torso, and start from there. Google pics of babies, and print them out to study from. Make sure the little ball on your wire os flattish too, or you'll have to scrape it away..
I normally start with the torso first, then legs, head and arm. Photos are good to get an idea of proportions too. The baby in my avatar is Tia, and she is 4" long. I sculpted her that way
Don't expect perfection first up, but stick with it!! Plenty of times I felt like giving up but I stuck with it and I have come a long way..
melissa mcorry has a video making babies I love it and she shows where to put the fat pads and makes head hands and feet you might find her on doll fan