i use the german, 42g barbless (or often also called forked) needles. They are advertised as a needle to use only after experiance with rooting, however i've found them the easiest to use and give the most natural looking results. Also they very rarely break
however, others on the forum have reported that they do find these needles difficult to use and actually hate them... so i think they are a very personal choice - though i personally cannot rave enough about them
other than the german needles though i'd have to say the crown 40g are also fantastic and you also don't have as many needles breakage with the crown needles
i get them from Lyns reborn world - i think she's the only aussie supplier and she actually charges the same as if i were to get them from the States. In the States you can get them at DD or probably lots of the other suppliers too, but i know for sure DD have them
DD is doll dreams -- though we're not meant to use the full names of other suppliers on here, only the initials. But given this is about a product that secrist doesn't have (the german needles) maybe i wont get in trouble for using the full name LOL
crown needles are mentioned in about recient post... i'll try find it and let you know what post it is in
sorry hun i cant help i buy my needles in australia i couldnt find them on the DD site either ill keep looking around and see if i can find a USA with 40g 1 barb you could always try secrist ultra micro root needles i have not tried them but i have heard people say they are very good (((hugs))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose