So I sculpted some fairy ears, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be for those that might want to give it a go. My question is, once the ears are scupted, are they glued onto the doll or just worked onto the ear and the baking will make it stay? Thanks for the help.
Good evening Pat C, I have question to ask but will post you a PM, Where have you been over the weekend, more Grand kids, It was quite lonely on here Sat, but yesterday was a clicken and clacken day, What about Leah from T.E.A, moving to WA. Just think her and Naomi getting together. They will be whiping up a storm in WA, getting reborns out in the public eye. Can you immagine them talking their babies for a walk together.LOLJune M from Oz
So I sculpted some fairy ears, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be for those that might want to give it a go. My question is, once the ears are scupted, are they glued onto the doll or just worked onto the ear and the baking will make it stay? Thanks for the help.
How is it going? Do you have any photos to share yet? I'd love to see them!
Gosh, you know...I made the ears, was going to attach them and everything...and then got so busy that I haven't been able to do it yet. As soon as I get some time, I will post pictures for you. I'm doing this with a berenguer baby. Thanks for asking LD
I don't know if you're still interested, but I just did a fairy doll. I sculpted the ears directly to the doll. Here are some pics (I'm not a good photographer).
(your pics have been removed per the terms of the forum. Please post links only here! You may post pics in the "artist showcase" only).