My triplet kit just arrived and now I don't know how to put the limbs in the body when finished. The seams are sewn shut. Do I open them or is there some other way to attach the legs and arms. Thanks so much
Jan, The instructions for putting the mini's together is on the company homepage. Just scroll down the left side of the page and you'll find it listed.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Jan,Welcome to the forum , what a great place to meet new friends. With the triplet bodies, you can either turn them inside out and push the limbs in, or push one in at a time, the sewen ends is just there so whatever you use to weight the limbs stays in them, but I normally seal them with fibre fill or a sealent, and use mini, plastic ties or a heavy quilting thread, apholtry thread or dental floss, to succure them in place.Hope this helps.June M from Oz.
I can not find info on how to attach the arms and legs to the bodies provided in the kit for the 6 inch babys. The arms and legs are sewn shut.....Do we cut the threads?
Nope no cutting nessicary, turn your inside out and place each limb in the sewn shut area. I used plastic ties kinda like the "cable ties" but just little ones. I stuffed the bodies and placed the head. I didn't have dircetions either, it took two brains to figure out what went where and how to do it. Cause I was going to cut as well but my mom told me that was not nessicary. So I hope I explained it okay...
Jodie B. Lil' Feet Boutique "Where Love Begins" Current avatar is baby Jacob
Danielle Zweers designed that body for her 6" minis. What she was trying to do was to make it so that (since they are so tiny) the edges of the fabric and the ties don't show on the outside. Your limbs are tied on the inside of the body, with the sewn end still sewn. Kind of like sticking your fingers into your gloves when they're inside out to get them right again. You can use string, cable ties, dental floss, etc... whatever will hold. I tie mine in a bow since no one will see them inside the body once its stuffed.
They used to have the instructions on the website. I always send printed instructions with all my mini kits. I think they're in one of the tutorial magazines, probably last years.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)