Hi, I'm just wondering: what are the flesh tones used for? As the Secrist vinyl is already so nice, is it still necessary to use them? Do I need both Flesh 07 and 08? If anyone can tell me how I would use them on the nice Secrist vinyl, I would really appreciate it. Thank you all so much.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
if you look at your own skin you will notice that it isnt one straight colour its a multitude of different colours that all belnd in together, the secrist vinyl is a wonderful base colour to add flesh tones to, if you start by adding a very thin layer of flesh 08 all over your sculpt parts then heat set then add a very thin layer of flesh 07 just pouncing in places and blending it in with your first layer you will get the effect of multiple skin tones. The one thing secrist is famous for is haveing the best base colour vinyl on the market for making really unique skin tones in reborning. hope this helps (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
My Guppy Fairy was painted without using any flesh tones. It gives that nice milky-white coloring that many Asian babies have and some Caucasian babies, too. It would only work on the Secrist vinyl, though.
I use the 08 for my nail tips as it is more natural looking than white. I use the 07 and 08 if I am painting a Caucasian baby that is not Secrist vinyl or if I want it to have a different coloring than comes w/o it. Make sense? I hope...