Hi hun i dont have the book but here is michelles myspace there is an email button just under her pic (((hugs))) http://www.myspace.com/create_with_passion
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
It will take me a day or 2 to look them up. I'm sure they are the very same ones in the DVD with Michele. I'll post on it in a few as soon as I can watch the dvd and write them down. I know she used all the fleshtones, a yellow and some red type. I'll get back to you
Well sorry, I said it would take me a few and since no one else was responding I suppose you thought it took forever lol.
Here are the colors Michelle uses for her AA babies: Burnt Umber; Pyrole Red 02; Yellow Ochre; Flesh 05, 03, and 02; Pthalo Green; Black; Glazing Gel and your thinning medium. Then of course you will also need the brushes (I'd get the good set--IMHO); sponges and all that.
OK, there are the colors she used in the DVD, I'm presuming since she wrote the book that they are the same.
Don't forget to post piccies in the Artist Showcase when you have the baby finished! :)
THANK you! Thank YOU! THaNK YoU! I just need to add black to my cart and I'm ready to go. I have everything else either in my cart or in my supplies. YEAH! Today is turning out to be a very productive day! =D