I am new to the reborning/newborning process. How much thinner should be mixed with the paint? I have the Premixed Petite Paints ... I have the Beginner Classroom DVD and all the paints being used are already mixed and they don't show how much paint to hom much thinner to use. Are all colors (for each step) used as the same consistency? I practiced on an inexpensive vinyl doll I already had and the first layer of blushing came out too dark and spotty looking. Could this be from the paint not be thin enough? Also, what do you suggest to use in order to get the paint out of the jars to mix with thinner? Can the small amounts of paint/thinner be saved for future use? What is the best method? Can the paint/thinner mix be stored in glass jars that have plastic lids with a waxy/paper insert in the lid? The paint should not touch the plastic lid. Thanks for your help.
As I believe is shown in the dvd, the fleshtone paints should be the consistency of light cream. The blush should be very watery as the reds are highly pigmented and you don't need as much (same with the blue vein color). The crease color should be about but not quite as thin as the blushing color, you just want a hint of a shadow in the creases and folds. Lip color already has the Genesis thinning medium added and should not need to be thinned any more. Apply this one right from the container.
All Genesis paints are thixatropic which means that they are thick and stiff in the jar, becoming smooth and creamy when mixed, and need to be mixed prior to using each time. They will blend and work better if stirred, also go farther.
Having the blush color too thick and not entirely mixed (this is why we mix in the container first) can cause too dark and also the spotty coloring.
What do you suggest to use in order to get the paint out of the jars to mix with thinner? Can the small amounts of paint/thinner be saved for future use? What is the best method? Can the paint/thinner mix be stored in glass jars that have plastic lids with a waxy/paper insert in the lid?
I either use the end of my brush (the deluxe brushes have some flat-pointed ends) or a tooth pick to remove the paint from the container for mixing. You can also use popcicle/craft sticks or an artist pallet knife.