search hong kong and china manifacturers, you will need to have sculpted your own limbs too though. "Artist doll manifacture" or "vinyl doll manifactuerer", it will cost you anywhere between $2000 and $12,000 for a minimum order of 250 sculpts - this includes the mold making process etc. On the lower end it works to be about $16 per kit made.
If your are not able to invest the money in having your own kit made, then what LovesDolls says is another option - entering your sculpt in comp, the winning person usually gets a limited ed of 250 kits made from their sculpt.
The final option would be to email or make contact with some of the big supplier sites asking if they would contract your baby to theirselves - i believe in this case the brand name site will often pay all manifacture costs and then pay you royalties on each kit sold (i've heard of this being at about $10 per kit - remember you'd not be paying the layout costs at all).
All i've mentioned above is what has been told to me by other sculpters, I've just started playing with the sculpting myself and am not yet ready to have any actual kit produced but have asked around just to keep things in mind and this is what others have shared with me.
As Loves said, look for doll companies doing contests and yes, they will also want limbs usually. Once you have a set of limbs, if you sculpt another head they will usually use the existing limbs you sculpted for your other kits. BB, SR, and sometimes DD take sculptors, but be careful, companies will probably make you sign a "non-compete" or "exclusive" type contract that says for XXX amount of time you can only sculpt for them!
But I do agree, the ones running contests are usually your best bet!
Is there any product easily purchased to take shine off a sculpted head other than AR shine remover? I don't want to wait,you know,run to the store instead... marybea
The only thing I know of is baby wipes. Take them and wipe down your sculpt. Then let it dry. See if that helps. If not, then just try handsoap and water.