ACK! I am using roving mohair and what a pain it is to root! I couldn't get my rice sock inside her head so I started with just rooting w/o heat. I would get places with almost no hair rooted and then places with "chunks" of hair. Someone suggested heating the rice and then putting directly in her head. That helped tremendously. I have her whole head covered, now. I just have to go back and get spots I missed. I'm also going to have pull out more of the pluggy spots. I've sprayed her down for the night. She is cute with straight hair. I've only seen her with curly so I wanted try something different, plus the color goes well with her eyebrows and it is the Secrist brand mohair -- best straight hair I've rooted with.
I hope to finish her (costume and all - except wings) by next weekend. I have someone who makes wings is going to make me some but I don't know which kind until I get her costume done. If that happens next weekend, I'll definitely post links!