Okay ladies, I have looked at sooo many beautiful templates on ebay. HOW do you make them? I did find a free place on the internet to help make them, but I'm still having problems. I have a lot of saved backgrounds and buttons and such, but I'm not experienced in html to put them together!! HELP!!! Tina
Although I haven't looked particularly for that type, I'm sure with all of the __ __ __ for dummy's books out there, there must be a templates for dummies! I know there was an "HTML for Dummies" but I never picked it up. This would certainly help you with the html part and you could then insert anything you wanted!
Tina, I don't use one... bad again... but I do know that I have seen them advertised on ebay in the reborn doll listings. They were not very expensive, but you should check them out for yourself.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Hi, you said you don't use one? Do you sell your babies on ebay? If you do, have you had good luck making a lot on your babies? This is a website I've found that helps you do templates for free. You just need to store your photos at photobucket..or some place like that. Then use the form this website provides. I've seen a lot of listings using this website to make them. It states it at the bottom of their listing. I hope maybe this will help you or someone else. I just can't sit long. I've got nerve damage in my legs from 3 failed back surgeries. It drives me crazy because I can't sit to study on this site to build a template, unfortunately, I can't sit long to paint my little dolls!! What a bummer!! ARG! Here is the url for the website. Tina
I'd like to know how to do it myself but i have no knowledge of HTML i also want to open my own webpage but i'm still looking for the best hosting plan and a web template i like, or a template program thats user-friendly
I use dreamweaver MX and design my graphics it gives me the html code to use after ive finished, some people use other web design programmes frontpage etc and there should be some free ones on the web that will give you the code needed just type in free wysiwyg webpage builder, to get your pictures to show once you have designed the template replace your images with the http url from photo bucket or which ever server you keep your photos hosted then copy from HTML at top the page to HTML at the bottom and paste it into ebay under description, make sure you use html not the standard tab. Naomi alot people use freewebs they have pre designed website templates you can use anotehr good one is 50webs but im not sure if they have an inbuilt wysiwyg woth a look though (((hugs)))
ps:wysiwyg means what you see is what you get
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
YEAH!!! I'm so excited I just had to share!! I did some more looking around and ran onto a website where I woman got into just loving to make templates for ebay sales for reborns! And get this, they are beautiful and they are FREE!!!! I was all grins today after running onto this site and there are TONS of them! Check them out! Tina
I just bought me a new software for making templates. I don't have to mess with the HTML. It's already done for me. I think it is very user friendly. If I sell any babies then it will be worth the cost. The name of the program is Listing Factory 2008, if anyone is interested in getting it here is the link. www.auctionlistingcreator.com
! And get this, they are beautiful and they are FREE!!!! I was all grins today after running onto this site and there are TONS of them! Check them out! Tina
Tina, I went to the site and it does say $7.99 each or 2 for ... I know she says the "help" is free. Hmmm, might want to take a look at that again before you go over the moon hun :o
I dont know if its me guys but I just visited the site and found that the templates are not free??? Or is it me being thick Doh!!! Take a look and let me know. Thanks Cathy
There is no other love greater than that of a Mother!
Here is my previous post, and no you're not thick :0 Buffington wrote:
Tina, I went to the site and it does say $7.99 each or 2 for ... I know she says the "help" is free. Hmmm, might want to take a look at that again before you go over the moon hun :o
Ya, I thought so too. Usually when someone says something is "free" there is usually either a catch or a hidden (look in the fine, fine print) fee somewhere!
Never-the-less this deal for 10 templates for $14.95 seems very nice...there are some awesome looking templates I'd use...however I know zip about this part of internet advertising..besides if eBay doesn't start giving fair listing prices my babies will never set foot on eBay again...just think about it...you start your baby out at $150..but you relly want to try to get $300 for it..you want to show at least 10 pictures,a BIN and just to list the baby will be maybe $5 fees,if it don't sell that's another $5 listing,eBay will take $12-$15 final fees and PayPal will take $5-$8 fees...and remember you may've already spent $100+ for the kit and what else you used on the kit...you can never count your labor...
But desperate times calls for desperate measures....it's almost a do or die market for any business...But Thank the stars or God that you just love what you are doing,the art got you hooked,you simply adore babies....We're still crusing the waters in our little boats,no sails,no motor and no paddles...but we will still go to places....
Templates do keep you listing fees down and most of them you can add as many as you like to them. There is a lovely lady on ebay who sells them for about 9.00 and its yours to keep. She'll put you nursery name on it for you as well. They are fairly easy to use and look so much nicer in displaying your babies.
-- Edited by Tina W. on Wednesday 11th of August 2010 07:47:45 PM