These limbs I did over a year ago and just now going to finish the doll up. I have links to my pictures what I would like some imput is I feel the limbs are to white and need a darker skin tone. But I'm not sure if I should add it because I don't want the work I have already done not to show up. It's already very light as it is. Thanks for any help.¤t=P6070018.jpg¤t=P6070016.jpg
beth i'm unsure what your question is regarding the limbs?? they seem like a "white" skinned baby, but your topic is about darker skin tones?? sorry i'm not quite clear what your asking?
I like the limbs as they are. If your face/head is also done the same way it will look good. You have done well on a technique I'm struggling with. I've not been able to get the berry makers to work for me. Although I have some additional tips I'm hoping will help! Anyhow, I wouldn't change the limbs, just leave them as they are, they look good.
Thanks. But what I was wondering is should I put a darker skin tone over what I have. But it's because have been looking at pictures of my new nephew and he's not just a solid white color he has a darker skin tone. But I'm thinking I may just have to leave as is or cover to much up. Thanks so much.
Beth you can add depth and a deeper skin tone without losing what you have. I love your blotchiness.
Using a very thin paint mix in a flesh 06 you could add some warmth to your limbs without losing the other detail you have there.
I'd use a very very water like mix in an 06 flesh (or Id mix a shade I like - but to keep it easy flesh 06 would work great to add some warmth to your white skin... and your right, it is better to add some warmth otherwise your baby can look ghostly and haunted) -- keeping really watery keeps you in control of how much depth you add, and keeps from covering up whats already there. You might even find you need to do 4 or 5 layers of this before you even notice much change -- and everything you've already done will radiate through. Its best to go slow with a really thin mix as you can always add another layer to increase the intensity of the tone and you can stop before any of your work thats already there is covered.
Thanks. But what I was wondering is should I put a darker skin tone over what I have. But it's because have been looking at pictures of my new nephew and he's not just a solid white color he has a darker skin tone. But I'm thinking I may just have to leave as is or cover to much up. Thanks so much.
I guess what I was trying to say is that it looks good so don't touch it, LOL! When I get to a point I like what I have I STOP before I mess something up ;)
Thanks ladies I'll try the flesh 06 on a test limb. I was thinking of flesh 07 but I'll try 06. Thanks for the info . And thank you for your nice comets on my limbs. Right now these limbs look better than the ones I had to get the goof off after today.