Cindy, Go to the Secrist homepage and look down the left side of the page and you will find a guide for putting the dolls together. It is listed as a tutorial for the 6" babies.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
I love the idea of the little body that Danielle has created! We're always so worried about covering up or hiding the ends of the tiewraps to hold on the limbs and now they are "inside" and we don't have to worry or see them!
I also carefully removed the velcro from the back of them and used a needle and thread to sew closed the back of my babies (although I do know a certain someone who crocheted the little bodies) and they look great!
I too was confused about how to attach them but I like it like this now! I wish more bodies were like that. Can you imagine... no more hiding the end of the plastic!!!!
Hey Pat B. and Daan, Do you think I should e-mail Mae and see if she wants to put the pattern in one of the newsletters or should I just offer it myself, and how and where? I know, I'm a pain!!
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
I think you should offer it yourself. I "think" you could offer it in the for sale/trade section. You might want to check with Mae though to see if it's ok.
Okay ladies, I'll do that. I have it already written up. I'll just add some pictures to explain the different pieces and how to assemble the finished doll and body. Thanks for the imput!!
And... I am going to get a new baby to practice my colors on by the end of the year. My daughter is already aware of my bad paint habit.... she'll smack me once or twice, but it won't be the first of her kids to get painted!!
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
I just finished them last week. I wasn,t happy with the body. but being so busy ,I decided to use it. What i did was push the arms and legs up with the materal and fom the inside you can use cable ties or a thick cord or strong cotten that the quilters use. I used the ties and they turned out fine. II think they have sewed the arms and legs so you dont have to seal them. June M from Oz.
That is EXACTLY how you are supposed to put the limbs on the body!
That is how our Danielle designed it. Some people get their knickers in a bunch over trying to hide the end of the cable tie so this way you can use string, yarn, cable tie, whatever is your fav for securing the limbs and no one will see it! Also, yes, it does help to seal the ends.
Pat C... Now you just make sure you don't get your heat gun after that new one, ya hear?
Don't know if this is the place to post this. But what do you all use to stuff these tiny dolls? I'm thinking glass beads? And approximately how heavy would you make each doll?
Cathy,.. You can fill the tiny bodies with fibre fill and some glass beads,.i always put the glass beads in a nylon bag. ajaust weight your baby till she feels nice weighted.
K, thanks Danielle. I'm following the Special Reborn Techniques Encyclopedia DVD where you explain how to use the berry makers on these little ones. Makes it so easy I can't believe! I'm finally getting the hang now of these berry makers thanks to you.
Well, there's a Pat B and a Pat C - so who is Pat A - must exist or there wouldn't be a B and a C?
I wish I could see these DVDs - but they just keep rolling and I can't use them. Could the information on the DVDs be made available in some printed form?
I think Mr. Secrist would have to qualify as Pat A+ but you'd have to ask him! You are not the first to request the DVD's in a printed format. We have at least one former forum member who is deaf and can not follow the DVD.. I think Pat B. was asking the company about that... Maybe they will have some more written tutorials for that.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
The tutorial that comes with the Beginner Classroom DVD seems like it would be pretty close to a printed form of that DVD. I have not had the opportunity to really use it yet since my recient disaster with my oven and my baby parts, but it looks good. My husband printed it out in color for me from his printer. It even shows you where to put veins! Hope that helps.
I think Mr. Secrist would have to qualify as Pat A+ but you'd have to ask him! You are not the first to request the DVD's in a printed format. We have at least one former forum member who is deaf and can not follow the DVD.. I think Pat B. was asking the company about that...
NAW! Mr Secrist is Pat S. hehehe there is no A just a B and that's me then Pat C and WhEEEEEEEEE Ok sorry... too much espresso today lol (although he's at the top of the list, just not alphabetical)
We do have in the process, someone working on a printed form of the DVDs. Although they have not said about cc for them they are also going to have them put into book form for those of us who are audio AND visual! I'm hoping they will be available for the 2009 tutorial catalog. I know it's coming, just a matter of when.
Yes, I did like the fact that you can print all those pages from the classroom training CD that came with the DVD. Aren't all those images great?!?! I print them off and have my students use them in class, that way they know how and where to put veins, etc and can build their own placement from there. At least there are guidelines.