Unfortunately, eBay is no longer the quick and easy sale it used to be and with more reborns flooding it every day it continues to get harder and harder to get a sale - even for the most beautiful dolls. That means we all have to get creative in spreading the word about our babies and abilities. Reborning is STILL a very new art and not well known so a lot of people don't even know to look for them on eBay. Consider some places other then the internet to get your sales. You need to find people who've never heard of reborning and introducing them to your babies. Then they can fall in love and support YOUR art!
Where are you selling? Have you considered antique fairs (if you dress the babies in antique clothing you can get in!), art fairs, high end craft shows, doll shows and the like?
Usually there is some financial commitment in order to reserve a table but it's a much better way to sell then through eBay.Nothing sells a beautiful baby like seeing it in person!Shows are the best place to get the word out if you do custom work too. Showing a picture of a live baby and then the actual reborn in person can get your more sales leads then just about anything else!
In-person sales are nearly always your best sales method and will have the highest return on investment and effort!
Another unique place to sell your babies is on consignment in baby clothing and/or furniture stores. Offer to display the store's baby clothes on your baby so that it both promotes the store's clothes AND promotes you. Put a little tag on the baby that includes the price and your contact information. Work out a price with the store (maybe they'll get 25% of the total sale) and place as many babies as you can throughout the store. They'll definitely get the shopper's attention and the baby store will have a unique display that no one else has ever seen! A win-win!
Are you depending solely on the internet? Keep in mind websites are incredibly hard to advertise without putting a considerable amount of money into search engine advertising or a lot of effort spreading the word in forums. And, if all the forums you visit are people who already create their own reborns, you're not likely to get many sales from them.
Are they priced to sell? Are you really ready?
If you find that after a lot of effort in person-to-person sales or attendance at show that no one is buying your dolls you may want to consider that:
1) your prices may be too high for the event or area 2) you may need additional training to attain a skill level that is most sales worthy.
It's good to keep in mind that everyone's abilities are different and while some people may be able to sell their second or third doll, that's by far the exception, not the norm. The number one reason reborns do not sell is because they are lacking in realism and/or the photography is such that is spoils the incredible realism the artist has actually achieved. At any rate, the potential buyer just "isn't seeing it" like you want them to.
It's hard to think that not everyone will love and appreciate our babies as much as we do, but the cold hard truth is that most reborns are simply "not good enough" to sell. Learn the advanced techniques, things like adding milk spots and making the lips more lifelike.
What ever you do, don't give up! Even if you've had a hard time selling your reborns, don't give up! Consider WHY your reborns aren't selling. Do you simply need some more practice? If so, pick up some of the less expensive kits (like our new 6" triplets - they are a collectors favorite because of their small size) and practice and practice. Eventually your babies will sell.
It could be that your poor little baby is just lost in all the thousands of ads on eBay. Give yourself and your baby another chance by attending a show or trying your babies on consignment.Once youre babies finally start selling and you have as much work as you want, youll know the hard work was worth it! But it won't happen over night.
When Secrist Toys, Inc started over 25 years ago it was HARD work!We sold these ugly little dolls from the back of our ancient Escort to every store we could within a days driving distance. Now we are the #1 kit manufacturer in the entire world. It was only our tenacity that got us to this point so dont give up!YOU CAN DO IT! We support you every step of the way with our training materials and by always offering you the latest and greatest products!
WONDERFUL information here and I DO know how despondant some of the new artist's get when nobody wants their dear little baby they have spent so long creating and love themselves! Practice always make perfect so they need to NOT give up, and keep developing their skills - it has been SO pleasurable here in New Zealand to watch artists develop from NOT wanting to show us their first baby at Club Day as they think it's pretty bad, to them achieving excellent money for their babies now!
My best sales have always been out of country, England and Canada mostly and even more so now that the dollar has dropped in value. Those countries money goes farther now with buying from us. I have found that having a web site helps, offering custom orders also helps, I just use Ebay to drive people to my web site so I just list on occasion during the slow times. I think EBay is like advertising, you just have to use it carefully or it will drain you dry financially. I would be careful about investing money in booth space at a craft fair. Most people who come to those kinds of things only want cheap stuff, under $20.00 mostly. Unless you look at it as advertisement too. Just don't go over say 20.00 for a booth space or whatever you can afford to lose. In several years of doing craft fairs, I have only sold one doll and that with a second day show where the lady came back and bought the doll after she had got money out of the bank. Doll shows are your best bet, people come to actually buy dolls and are prepared to spend. But again, I have done doll shows where I made close to $1000.00 in sales and then I did one in St. Louis in November where I sold nothing and went in the hole on gasoline and food as well as donating a doll for their raffle which they didn't even mention my name. I will never do that show again. It just takes time and experience to figure out what avenues will work for you.
-- Edited by DollyM at 03:05, 2008-06-05
My specialty is reborn AV toddlers--they rock! www.tinastots-dolls.com
I have done art and craft shows/fairs for 19 years now. It can take some time for you to be known but sometimes people are sooooo liking your dolls that they just buy! I do have people that come to the shows just to see what new ones I have, even if they don't buy dolls (they usually know someone who does!). Hand them a biz card but don't take up their time with details (unless they ask you questions). Just ask them to give it to their person who does collect/buy and say thanks for stopping :) Sometimes (and I usually do 2 & 3 day shows) I don't make a sale until the last day but sometimes they come in just itching to buy.
I also have things in my booth that go with or compliment the babies (outfits, accessories, blankets, cute baby bracelets, etc) and some already have a cherished reborn (I know this part doesn't help, BUT...) they want something new for their doll. Here is where the extra stuff comes in. I had several people just want some cute clothes, and 2 wanted wigs for their older dolls! And the cute little bracelets are usually a hit!!! Think accessories!!
As far as cheap shows? Usually churches or schools have some kind of sale or fund-raiser. Look online, look in the paper, ask other crafters! It's all about networking! :) I have paid as much as $300 (and as little as $10) for a 3 day show and it has been worth it most times (although I do get skunked once in a while, but I hand out a bunch of cards). But it also depends on what you have and (believe it or not) how you set it up!
I think the biggest problem people have with this art is that they want to sell it. IMO, art should be done for the sake of art, not to make money. When that happens? Great. But if it doesn't then people are in it for the wrong reason. I see so many women get caught up in the whole thing and ready to quit because they aren't selling for 300+ dollars on ebay anymore. Guess what? That is the nature of capitalism -- supply and demand. As more people do it the market gets flooded. Do it because you love it, not to make money. JMHO.
I think the biggest problem people have with this art is that they want to sell it. IMO, art should be done for the sake of art, not to make money. When that happens? Great. But if it doesn't then people are in it for the wrong reason. I see so many women get caught up in the whole thing and ready to quit because they aren't selling for 300+ dollars on ebay anymore. Guess what? That is the nature of capitalism -- supply and demand. As more people do it the market gets flooded. Do it because you love it, not to make money. JMHO.
Well, yes and no . . . I became an Apple Valley dealer because I both loved dolls AND wanted to make money. No it is not a living wage but if I work really hard and consistently at selling the dolls and keeping my web site current, I can usually do enough to equal at least a part time job. When I figure I am not spending gas or eating out, like I did when I was working a "real" job, I figure it comes out pretty well. It's all in how you look at it. I agree the market is glutted but if every company in glutted markets quit we would have no fast food chains, no computers, no televisions, no cereal, and so on . . . It's just about being the best in what you do and gaining a loyal market and trying to weather the hard times in business, just like every business. I for one do look at this as a business because in the early days of being an AV dealer, we were required to get a business license. I turn in a tax form every year and take off part of my house, utilities and other expenses as part of my business every year. So if you look at it as a business and take the necessary steps to make it a proper business, it does have some benefits. I would say that making it a business is worth it simply because of those perks.
My specialty is reborn AV toddlers--they rock! www.tinastots-dolls.com
I sell because i'd not have the money to do any more than one or two dolls a year if it didn't!!! seriously!!!
By selling i can afford to do ones for my mum and myself too.
Also it is a way of achieving some small income - i don't work due to health problems, and also working on my babies gives me something to do with my time when i'm well enough and is something i can do from home and doesn't require allot of energy expenditure given i'm just sitting on my butt when working on them.
It also makes my days mean something. Roborning is both fullfilling and enjoyable... even theraputic!!!
Interestingly to say that since i started reborning 6months ago i haven't had any hospital admissions... though this is probably pure coincident.
I sell because i'd not have the money to do any more than one or two dolls a year if it didn't!!! seriously!!!
By selling i can afford to do ones for my mum and myself too.
Also it is a way of achieving some small income - i don't work due to health problems, and also working on my babies gives me something to do with my time when i'm well enough and is something i can do from home and doesn't require allot of energy expenditure given i'm just sitting on my butt when working on them.
It also makes my days mean something. Roborning is both fullfilling and enjoyable... even theraputic!!!
Interestingly to say that since i started reborning 6months ago i haven't had any hospital admissions... though this is probably pure coincident.
just my random "2 cents" on the topic
I've met more and more women in your situation. I'm glad you enjoy it. I have a difficult time enjoying something as soon as I need to sell it. It would take all the pleasure out of it for me! Even the one I've been working on that is for an auction is causing me fits. I do have the advantage that I have a full time job (I work about 187 weekdays a year) that allows me to newborn sculpts and the occasional reborn without having to sell them. I'm actually giving a few of them away as gifts to family members.
I don't know... my mum asks if i find it hard to let them go, and i really don't. Ok some of them i might for a small moment think "maybe i want to keep this one" - and sometimes i will.
But i like selling them, having people value my work enough to spend big bucks to own one of my babies for their selves. Also just getting all the lovely msg's telling me how beautiful someone thinks my babies are etc. Its nice receiving the complements and all the happy emails i get from my new mothers when their little one arrives.
Also a few of my adopting mothers have kept in touch and so its been nice to make some new "friends".
Hi!! I seem to sell more at the fair's and just showing them off. I also offer my buyers 10.00 off their next doll for everyone they send me that buys one. I have order's for 5 this month! I really dont like taking orders. I like to make them the way I want to~~ I just recently started selling them on ebay, i deff get more money in public or real life, I will give ebay alittle more time. I reborn for the joy of it, and I also do make money off of the ones I sell. I like the extra money and it helps pay the bill's. I alos like making the people who love them HAPPY:)
I also sell more at faires and in person. I think it has to do with the fact that they can actually see and hold them. That way they know exactly what they are getting (it's really hard to judge from a pic as they're never as good as the real thing, or may have been altered). I do get orders though from some that have seen my website, but most of them are over-seas.
I don't have a really hard time letting my babies go and the ones I do, I just keep a little longer till "they" are ready to leave the nest lol.
It's nice if you can offer $$ off or something other item if someone brings you business. Always appreciate your customers in some way or another. I have 1 customer who adopted 3 of my babies (2 of them at once)! And she's lookiing for more in the future. She uses the last 2 as models for her baby things she makes. They just sit in her booth wearing the stuff. She said her sales have much improved since then. And for her she can not only buy the ones she wants but also use them as a tax writeoff for her business. So we're all happy! ;)
I also reborn for the fun and art of it. Even if I don't sell one baby all weekend at a faire, I love the comments, compliments, and the sheer joy of watching the looks on peoples faces showing that they just enjoy looking at them.
I enjoy doing my reborns and like you I am not quick to let them go. I also love the reactions to my babies. That does more for me than anything! It is an art and if you take it seriously as an artform and a business I see nothing wrong either, I do both.
The average reborner (like myself) cannot afford to simply buy kits as expensive as some are just to give them away. Not to mention time, supplies and dressing them. I agree that there is a glutton of reborns, but there is always someone that wants that particular look that one artist may have. I like to think of it like ice cream. You have so many flavors and there is always someone that go for only one flavor no matter what and there is the other person that likes to try something different each time.
I have sold babies from my nursery home, my website, ads in doll magazines and fairs where I just took them to be seen while selling off items and then ebay. I just try to hit any base that I can to get my babies out there. I sell masterpiece eyes and I am working on selling baby items on my website now to keep them out there.
Yes it is hard and sometimes very frustrating, but I am more stubborn than anything so it is hard for me to give up. I continue to get kits, and hope that soon my babies can find new homes until then...they have a home.
When I first started reborning almost 2 years ago I was one of the people that started because I saw Tinkerbell on eBay and her baby going for close to $7,000.00!! I said to my husband I can do this and it can be my job lol. Little did I know. Until my entire thinking process changed I did not sell one baby!!! I make the babies now because it has become my passion. I love every aspect of creating these wonderful works of art. If they sell well that is just the cherry ontop of the cake. If they don't that is fine too. I am no longer in it for the money however because I am no longer in it for the money I am making money at it. It is all about how you look at what you are doing. If you are simply creating to get a sale you are never going to reach your full potential. It is when the art becomes more to you that special something shows through in your work. I don't have a name for it but it is there.
Debra C. Jadick
Lasting Memories Reborn Nursery
I have truly enjoyed reading about all your experiences. Thanks to all of you for sharing!
There are so many variables in this business that all kinds of "specialists" are needed to be successful. Almost all of you are more experienced with fairs and other selling venues than I am. I have tried some of these methods of selling, including eBay. I have had the most success selling from my website.
I have a friend in the midwest who has excellent luck at certain craft fairs and lousy luck at others. Craft fairs are not plentiful where I live, and many of them are frequented by the people who are on the prowl for bargains that they can re-sell.
This same friend has also sold dolls by taking them out in public. For instance, she will meet a friend at a restaurant and bring her latest doll along to show to the friend. I was with her once when a woman in a coffee shop couldn't take her eyes off the doll and bought it on the spot for the asking price. I was stunned. I must confess I also wished I had brought my latest doll with me!
Someone once told me that "doll people" find a way to purchase dolls and supplies even if the economy is bad. While this seems to be somewhat true, I see a decline in my business. When I consider the worsening economy along with the segment of people who have always wanted something for nothing, it's even more challenging to keep the business going. I'm stubborn like the rest of you, and I'm not giving up. We just have to keep striving for opportunities.
I do think it is important to practice, practice, practice. It's not common for someone's first few dolls to remain unsold or to bring in an amount far less than the cost of making them. Strive for realism so people who see the doll in person will watch it to see if it is breathing. If you are selling on an auction site or on a website, detailed photographs are a must. Just make sure you have honed your skills so the detailed photos will showcase the realism rather than obvious flaws.
For me the joy of newborning is in the activity of creatiing of each bundle of joy. Besides, I love to experiment, develop and perfect ways of achieving the most lifelike effects, and those processes take time and practice. I also have a ball when I am teaching a class or taking a class with other reborn doll artists. And although it is sometimes incredibly challenging, I also love making portrait dolls. It can be incredibly rewarding to see someone's reaction to the finished product.
I am in awe of those who can produce a lot of dolls to sell on a regular basis. Although I would like to sell more newborn/reborn dolls, I could not handle the stress of having to produce and sell a certain number of dolls in order to cover expenses or make a living. Being a Secrist dealer and teacher is perfect for me because it allows me the opportunity to sell supplies and instruction to help defray some of the costs.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
this is great information im a new sell and dont now how to get the word out their.thanks so much. plz let me know what you think about my work. thank christine
(Your pictures have been removed per the posting rules of the forum. If you would like to post links, please feel free. We only allow actual pics in the artist showcase. Thank you for your understanding. Pat B, forum moderator)
-- Edited by Buffington on Wednesday 29th of December 2010 12:19:44 AM
There is also information on the Secrist website www.secristdolls.com on selling, tips, and other stuff you might like to read. Also you can use our "search" feature at the top of the forum. Just type in a word and see what you get :)