I am the proud grandma of Ariyanna Azure Davis 5lbs 7ozs and 18 ins. long, born June 11th, JJ is now a big brother! she was born a day before my birthday, what a great b-day gift.
WOW! Yes, BIG congrats hun! That is super! Indeed, nice early bday gift lol.
Speaking of grandchildren, My daughter Dani, her lifemate Doc, and my grandbaby Mara Tess, will be on their way up here to MN from CO in a day or 2. They are moving here for good! We just drove out and back in April for her 2nd bday. And so now, Grammie will be able to show off her little grand, I can't wait. She has to go to a speech therapist because she doesn't talk, or rather, she only has a vocab of about 3-4 words we understand. We think she may have Apraxia, a condition where they make sounds and think they are talking up a storm, but you can't understand anything she says, except those 3 words (mama, dada, and no). She is learning ASL so she can at lewast communicatew with someone. Its sad, my daughter Dani says all she wants is to hear her daughter talk. Grammie (me) too! So I'm going to work with her for the month they are here to see if theres any improvement.
But it will be nice to have them closer than 920 miles away!
Pat that's great that your family is moving to your state, I hope everything works out well for Mara Tess, my JJ will need speech classes when he starts pre school just like his mom did, she had speech for 3 years, I have to ask him what he is saying sometimes 2 or 3 times before I know what he is saying but he is getting better. Well enjoy your granddaughter and daughter. Take care.
Thanks Dee, I think its great too! They are living with us for the month, I am hoping Doc can find a job REAL FAST! lol
They can't stay too long as Dani and I have issues with living together for long periods of time :O
I have been working with her on speech since they got here on July3rd. So has her Auntie Amanda. Poor poppa though... he hasn't gone through this with a toddler for 22 yrs, and he's 67 now, retired, and has been feeling poorly, with headaches since they got here. Oh well, things don't always go as planned, but I am glad to have the other half of my family near.
Glad your little JJ is doing better on his speech. My little Mara Tess is also learning sign language. Its funny to watch this little girl sign. But we also speak the words with signing.