I just wanted to let you know that I will be going back into the hospital on Wedm May 8th. I had an MRI last week and they found that I have a brain tumor. Don't get scared now, it will be ok. It is still relatively small, its called a Convexity Meningioma, and is between the protective layer that covers the brain and the inside of my skull.
They don't think it's cancer, but won't know for sure till they remove and test it. I'll keep you posted as I can. the surgery will be about 4 hours, then ICU for 24 hours, then my own room for another 4 days. I AM bringing my little laptop, so if I don't get back in here, just know i am thinking of you all!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We all have our fingers crossed that there is nothing to worry about and that all the tests will come back okay. Thank god medical treatments are now as advanced as they are. Maybe because they have seen in early enough, it can be treated.
Please let us know how things are. I know that I don't post often, but I will be checking in on you and will be praying for you in between posts.
Well, I kept saying I was tired of being tested, so this must have been a "pop quiz"! lol
Thank you my forum family. It gives one hope that, even though we don't know each other, there are people who care out there. I so appreciate each and every one of you! Now if my mother would only call, she hasn't called me since Dec of 2011, or was it before that, hmmm. Anyway, I'm glad I have you guys! I'll keep you posted. Tomorrow I have to be there at 6:45 AM but surgery isn't until 9:45 AM. Seems they have to do a special MRI (after they shave part of my head!!). I think it's kind of like 3D meets GPS. As you said, they are so advanced medically now. Got to take valium tonight, then tomorrow when I get up, then again at the start of the MRI, because I'm severely clostrophobic in certain situations.
Thank you all for your prayers and healing thoughts. Sorry I haven't been in, couldn't find the forum link :( Anyway, the surgery went fine, and the tumor was NOT CANCER!!! I have a really weird haircut now though. My daughter says it's a modified mullet (short top/long back) lol. I might shave the rest off, but first I want to see if it will grow back curly like it did after my chemo. If not, then I'll cut it in a month or two.
The neurosurgeon said he got all the tumor, and the lab agreed with his diagnosis of no cancer. My oncologist is very happy, me too! I read the mri report and I told him while he was in there, to take a look at the tail of the meningioma because it seemed to me that the tail of it was attaching to the inside of my skull. It was, and he took care of it all. He did a blanket stitch on my incision so my other daughter said I was a frankenhead hahaha. I was in ICU for 2 1/2 days, then they sent me home! Can you believe it? they said I was supposed to stay 4-5 more days in a regular room on another floor, but I was doing so well and there was no room, no beds available, so off I went, home!
I have had a few slight headaches since but that is nothing to the ones I WAS having. Only thing now is that the pre-op nurse who put in my IV, did a bad job, so my whole hand and forearm swelled with IV fluid. Had to have it changed out to the other hand within 24 hrs. Hand looked like a large lobster claw lol.
I'm on anti-sezure drugs for another month and 1/2 just as a precaution. I was having some minor facial issues, and the tips of my thumb and fingers are kinda numb, so they didn't want to take any chances. Facial issues have been gone over 1 week, fingers still feel like I'm wearing a hockey glove. Hoping that feeling comes back to them. Who needs a jeweler who can't hold a tool or feel when they have a gemstone in their fingers?
I did have occassion to call my mother. My brother who still lives here in MN said that she wasn't doing well. Forgetful, searching for everyday words, etc. I called and we talked about an hour. It was heart-wrenching for me to hear her like that. I will call again soon. I believe she is having TIA's, which is a warning sign of possible impending stroke. Her mother had the same thing, and died of a masive stroke. Talked to my father also, he's no great shakes either. Apparently my sister goes over to their mobile home to make sure their meds are set up each week. I told my father what I suspected was the issue with my mom, and told him to have my sister call me when she was around next. She makes and goes to appts with my mom. Haven't heard anything back yet so I'll call soon. My granny was 89 when she died but she wasn't as bad off as my mom, who will only be 75 this month. I am very worried.
Well, before I write a book here, I'll thank you all again, and sorry for the delay in getting back here in forum. Luv you all much!
So glad to hear all your good news!!! I've been praying for you and watching to read a new post with some news. Glad it's all good!! I also hope that there is some more of the good news in regard to your family. Maybe God will smile down upon them too. I will continue to pray for them.
Hi Pat I'm so happy that everything went well for you, and I'm glad you got to talk to your parents I'm sorry that they are having health problems, I will pray for them, take care Pat.
So glad everything worked out for you and I hope that you continue to improve minute by minute! I will send up prayers for your parents. You just don't know how much you miss them until they are gone! Keep checking on them!
Hi everyone! Sorry its been so long. I appre iate everyones thoughts and prayers! Had my 30 days post-op MRI yesterday. Everything looks ok except the report says there have been changes since the last one on May 8th. And a section of my head (I was always told I was thick headed lol) where they can't get a good signal, so they have no idea if there is any more tumor. Have to wait for another month to see neurosurgeon next week. So no worrying about it till then. :) Only thing I'm concerned about at this point is getting the feeling back in the left fingers... thus the typos
You all should see the wild haircut the Neurosurgeon gave me! lol I might have to post a pic or 2 in the showcase hahaha
Thanks everyone.
More family dframa...
My oldest daughtr moved home to MN from CO on the 2nd of July. She brought my now 2 yr old granddaughter Mara and Mara's father. They are living in the downstairs of our home till the end of the month. Mara's father got a job within 2 weeks after being here, he is happy as a lark! Little Mara has some special learning disabilities but we will take care of them as soon as their medical comes across.
Went to my side family reunion yesterday, had fun, but found out something sad about my mother in AZ. Apparently she & my sister went to town, each in their own cars to do laundry. While leaving, apparently my sister turned 1 way and my mother then other. Apparently my sister searched for her but no luck, so she went to my folks place to tell my father. they were all frantic because she was lost. They called the police, the police found her downtown, at the grocery store, with a cart full of everything they didn't need lol. So, they can't let her drive any more. I don't want her to get lost and hurt or die being lost.
Apparently she3 had an MRI about 2 months ago so I'm getting a copy from my brother. I want to read it for myself.
Well, heres hoping all turns out well. HUGS my forum family. :3
What's life without family drama? LOL Everyone has it to some degree. Glad everything turned out well for your mother. Its heart breaking to watch our loved ones struggle with some of their basic daily routines when age takes a toll on them. Our friends mother is in stages of Alzheimer and one day he found her walking down the middle of the street and when he approached her she just went off cursing him, totally not like her at all, had no clue who he was and she refused to return home with him. Lucky for them their house is in front of his parents however he just went through a long bout of cancer when they found a tumor on his brain (he's cancer free right now but has tunnel vision and cant drive because of it) he's not in the best physical condition right now to deal with all that, and his poor wife is suffering with extreme anxiety attack. Good people its such a shame
Anyway hope things are going well!
-- Edited by Tina W. on Thursday 8th of August 2013 09:27:12 PM