I'm new here andI'm fromGermany.My English is notverygood, but Itry my best. For about 2 yearsIRebore.NowI finally want totry something new. OnYou TubeI saw avideo clip ofmaking a silicone-Re-BornBabies.Very interesting-butcertainlyvery difficult. But I wantto try it. I would loveyour helpindemandingtakeand askif thereis aforumin yourinstructionsto buy it. If it is not,where can Ifind instructionsonmanufacturingprocessesandmaterials? I thankyou in advance foryour help and support. I am happyyouandfor every question.
I am happy youalsoavailablefor each question.Gladlyabout mye-mail address:DJaneRitaDee@yahoo.de I wishyou lots of funin the re-nativeandalla wonderful weekend. Kind regards Rita