So, it's been a few weeks since I've presented my first reborns on my FB page and one "creative flea-market". Didn't put any on them for sale, but interest has been growing, and many people are very pleased with them. Not as much "creepy" and "scary" remarks as I thought there will be LOL. As some of you already know, so far I've been the only one in my country doing this. Reborn dolls are new to most of the people here.
Anyway, a lady contacted me today, asking me to reborn her doll which is 24 years old and of great sentimental value. She wants me to give it eyelashes (says it is a closed-eye doll), paint realistic face and limbs, and add weight to it. So basically, it's a whole reborning process (only without the rooting).
Sooo... How much would you charge for that if you were a perspective young reborning newbie like me? :)
Thats a tough one hun. I don't think I personally would do it at all. I draw away from "great sentimental value" things as far as re-doing them/changing them. IF by some chance she doesn't care for it, for whatever reason, it's toast in my book. And you can't change it back. IF I were to do something like that I would be sure I had an "iron-clad" signed contract in my hands, and notorized before I would ever attempt it. Sorry, don't mean to scare you hun, but people get weird about that sentimental stuff. Also, if it's "plastic" and not vinyl, you can't use the heat-set paints on it so it would have to be like the air-dry paints like on the DD site. I'm just saying... good luck on that if you take on that project. Just protect yourself ok? :D
Sure thing! I wouldn't do a plastic doll, not even with air-dry paints since I didn't work with them yet. I did some work on my Furga, which is also 25-something years old, and baking didn't hurt it. So if I'd do this doll, I'd definitelly be as careful as I can! :)
Ok hun. And be very careful on baking vinyl, almost all of it is toxic when heated. Ventilate well. If you decide to take this project on, please try to post pics in the showcase so we can all see how it's going :D