where is the best cheapest place to get glass weighting materials and what size and how much should i get??this is my first baby so i am trying to do research and find the best deals
I would say your best bet would be to google it and make comparisons on the web. Be sure not to buy the "bead blasting/sand blasting glass beads as it usually has some kind of powder mixed in or they are very sharp shards of pulverized glass. What you want is round stuff hun.
thanks,i have checked the local craft stores,actually found the poly pellets at wal mart but havent been so lucky with the glass,did comparison with some on ebay,found 3 lb for 6.00 +5.00 shipping,then found 1mm 1 lb for 2:50 + 5.45 shipping so i really dont know what the better bargain is
I buy mine from BB. I recently bought from a woman on eBay and even though the price was very reasonable the beads were alot finer than I liked. I plan to buy from BB again.