I was able to get course #1 and HL for an affordable price after 40% off. My mom bought course #2 with another 40% coupon. And then said Happy Birthday....
I'm guessing I don't need thinner or the like with the kits. I still have a bunch of pacifiers to make up and sell. And I STILL can't get my E6000 to hold to my nipples on bottles. Which is irking me.
Thanks. We probably won't start it this week. I'd like to figure out my bottle issue first.
I may go find aquarium sealer tomorrow while I'm out. I'm just frustrated. Now if the two my mom made,with E6000 but used a different technique then I did, seal I'll start doing them her way. They should be cured by tomorrow so I'll find out.
If you live out of the USA, they will not ship the thinner. But you can get it at Michael's or any art supply store. Also, like Ash said above, you don't need it (depending on what paints you have, read the stickies on how to use the different types of paints). :D
I am so glad those coupons are working out for you. The kits don't call for thinner but if you decide you want some go back to Hobby Lobby, with your coupon, they have artist grade thinner in their art supplies where the brushes, palettes, paint etc... are. I was able to get plastic squeeze bottles there as well.
The only problem I had w/ kit #2 was getting the blush thin enough. Remember to stir the paint well before you use it and put very little on the cosmetic sponge. You shouldn't need thinner then.
I am so glad those coupons are working out for you. The kits don't call for thinner but if you decide you want some go back to Hobby Lobby, with your coupon, they have artist grade thinner in their art supplies where the brushes, palettes, paint etc... are. I was able to get plastic squeeze bottles there as well.
The only problem I had w/ kit #2 was getting the blush thin enough. Remember to stir the paint well before you use it and put very little on the cosmetic sponge. You shouldn't need thinner then.
That's where I got it and a squirt bottle. The thinner,oderless,was like $5. I've not started it yet. I've just not felt like it.
Good that you are getting your supplies together hun. Ad far as starting your baby, you will when you are ready. In the mean time, do your homework and research lol. :D
I will. Mom and I haven't been able to sit down in my room and watch the DVD yet. I've not felt well for a bit. I've slacked off on trying to make my bottles and sell my newest batch of pacifiers.
I have found out selling the pacifiers comes in waves. I went a bit without an order then sold FOUR in 12 hours. 3 to one person! We don't really do it for money,cause I don't make much on them after fees etc,we just do it for something to do.
My mom's been crocheting blankets for the reborns we just can't seem to sell our first one. Crocheting keeps her fingers from hurting and freezing up because of her RA. But I think we need to adjust the price then maybe I'd get sales. *sigh*
I have been sick on and off since January so I know how you feel. Don't be so hard on yourself. It is difficult to take on something new when you just don't feel good. Take care of yourself first and the rest will follow.
It took me a while to start my first kit too. There is no time limit on how soon you should begin your reborning. Once you are ready we will all still be here to help you.