hello . i know this probably has nothing to do with anything on here but i have the 10 inch mini kiri kit but i dont have a body for it. i want the automatically correct body on this website and i was wondering if i could use that for this kit before i buy it
The vinyl body is for a 15" doll and as you can see it's very chubby :o It depends on how your mini Kiri kit looks as to whether or not you can use it. It "should" be ok if the limbs and head are more substantial. We have a Louise head that was made to go with that body but the body was so chubby it made the head look really dis-proportionate and really too small. You might try purchasing a play doll that is somewhat larger than your kit and just use that body (you can use the limbs for "test" painting). Take the Kiri head with you and just match it up with a doll you think might work. I have been known to take heads or limbs with me if I'm searching for something. But I also take business cards with me in case it causes some conversation hehehe