So I have made about 18 dolls- kinda a newbie- been getting really great feedback! Fabulous right? Well here comes the downer. A lady wrote that she thought the hair was too thin on one baby- my very first rooting job and Not perfect- but that is why I took lots of pics and also didn't charge an arm and a leg for this doll. I know it is silly to get hurt by this. I guess I will toughen up. My husband says like all businesses there will be someone who will complain. I still have 100% pos. feedback- but I wish a comment like that was sent on a separate email- it really has nothing to do with the other catagories. Plus I can't say anything but positive for the buyer- no other choices. I know- let it go... I will. Thanks for letting me vent!
Yes but only positive- not negative which I wouldn't do in this case anyway. I don't want to burn bridges. But- I did receive some baby clothes today and that lady was smart- there was a slip with a cute baby on it advertising her clothes-but also stating " I strive for 100% positive feedback- please contact me if there is a problem before leaving feedback so we may resolve it"- I think I will put that on my auction template and when I mail them off.- Good idea? thank you
yes you can only leave positives rateing wise but in the comment box you could write"as seen in pics" or " as described" thats not mean. she may have spent more then was in her budget and is haveing buyer remorse. the gals can tell you thats not unusual. sage
Yes good point. She was $99- which was a fair price I thought. But yes maybe she was spending out of her budget. Also I noticed she wasn't new to Ebay- had over 300 stars- so therefore she knew how feedback works
Yes, sometimes they are sneeky like that... OOps, did I say that? lol
The buyers want good feedback but don't care sometimes about the sellers. Ebay has a bad reputation with some people because of all the scams and dishonesty that used to go on (and some still does) so everyone thinks they're getting a raw deal as far as the buyers. But some IMHO are just dishonest people and want something for nothing.
I agree with Sage, you can write in stuff like that and it's not mean or damaging to the other person but does raise a flag with me. So then I check the rest of that persons feedback, both as seller and buyer. And when I have done an auction, I always put stuff in it like as shown or the striving for 100% feedback and like that. That way its right in black and white! Something in writing is extremely difficult to dispute! It's called always CYA (cover your... um... butt) hehe
These days it's a good idea since evilbay is so buyer friendly, not vendor friendly. Don't leave anything to chance, take care of it up front. People have also put info in their auction about NPB's, also telling if your feedback is lower than ??? your bid will be removed if you don't contact them first. I think that's only fair.
Peachycheeks- You can add a follow up comment to the feedback, so try that if you can still access this ...I am new and I didn't look at the date of this posting, so it might be old, but You can follow-up with your explanation and others can see that you cahrged a fair price and have good service. HTH, G