Hi all! Ok, is this really, really, really worth it? If it is, I will buy it right now.
This is what the Secrist site says: The easiest and best way to create the most life like pattern of capillaries on newborn babies. Capillaries are what creates the skin coloration we call "blush".
Experienced reborners know that babies have a very light but delicate foundational blush pattern that covers the entire body. They also know that there has never been a really good way to recreate that look until now. Through Real Skin Reborn Technology Authentic Reborn is now able to offer two mops specifically for creating a blush foundation pattern on your reborn baby.
To me, it just looks like a large mop brush. But it costs $25.99. What I was doing for this effect was to use my tiny brushes - 20/0 or 000 - and I was painting little tiny dots all over. But my gosh you should have seen me on my first reborn. I was scrambling to make my own tools, using everything I could get my hands on, including taking about 100++ toothpicks and rubber banding them together. I even used my grandmother's curlers, because they made a pattern of dots. I am embarrassed about these attempts now, but I didn't want to have to go dot by dot all over the body. My question is, does this brush really, really create those dots, and what about when you use the sponge to pounce on the paint. Won't the paint spread out and the area widen? Perhaps only a tiny bit of paint is distributed with each bristle.
Is there any mystery to it? I mean, couldn't I try using one of the mop brushes I have now? I am kind of on a budget, so I don't want to buy this tool unless it truly contains magic.
Wow, maybe the answer to my problem all along was just a really, really big mop brush. I came close to a solution when I cut the bristles off of one of my cheap brushes and thought to myself, "These bristles would make the kind of pattern I am looking for, but they are too close together!" Maybe I should have just gone for a larger mop.
I would go for a large hard bristle brush from the cheap shops, over here in Oz we have, what we call 2 bucker shops, as most of the stuff they sell isn't much more than $2.00. They have Baby Bottles, Arts and Craft stuff, you name it, and they have it. Although a lot of them now are a bit pricer than they used to be. XXXXXX June.
i 'm realy cheap so there's no way i'm gonna spend 26.00 on a brush , from walgreens makeup section i bought a 3 pack of bambo handled makeup brushes for about 7.00 . i dip in paint then dab it on a paper towel to do dry blushing,i never clean these. but the point is if you lightly touch it to baby it'll leave dots also you can use it for a slight capalarie look . for eye lid veining i take one of my hairs and double it over then drag thru eyelid paint then light drag on eyelid. a horses tail hair works better but they're not always here when i need one. sage
I don't have the really big one. I can't afford it either. But I use the one they previously called the large one (or maybe it still is since this one is jumbo). It works for me. You can also get a natural sea sponge with the tiny little holes that is kinda raggety looking. Just dont pounce the paint so much and keep it light. Then do a second layer, alternating it from where you used it before.
I have made several of my own tools so don't feel embarrased at all. That is part of the art!! Most artists have always made some of their own tools through out history, so you're not alone hun. :)
I have not yet had the opportunity to try the Secrist mottling brush. Secrist carries some excellent products, but when money is tight it's hard to justify the expense--especially when unsure if the product will perform as expected.
I have a very limited budget so I try all sorts of other objects to achieve the mottled baby look. I get some nice results with synthetic sea sponges, too.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)