hi, i hope someone can help i can't seem to get all the paint out of my brushs i've tryed paint thinner,dish soap but it won't come out until i use it in a different color and then of course it ruins what i'm doing help thanks sage
I try to have certain brushes for certain colors. I know this is not always possible but if you are using any brand of Genesis heat set (AR, BB's version, or any other who sell "heat set") then right after you get as much paint out as you can on a paper towel, you would wash in like Dawn soap or any grease busting soap and hot but not real hot water. Although you don't have to wash the brushes if you use the heat set as the paint will never dry.
Or you can go to like Michaels and get "saddle soap". Comes in a bar and it's great for brushes. But it does depend on what kind and color of paints you're using. The blues and reds are the most pigmented so more difficult to remove.
For the colors like red, blue, green... It will look like there is paint on your brush because this highly pigmented paint is absorbed into the brush. When you wash it using soap (or paint thinner) it will continue to look like there is paint on the brush, but it's usually just the stain.
If you wash the brush, and the water is running clear, the brush is as clean as it's going to be.
Hope this helps!
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
I too use certain brushes for certain paints. When I'm finished painting I just swirl the brush in thinner and brush the excess paint and thinner off on a paper towel and repeat until I don't see any more paint comming off. Like Linda said though some paints will never completely come out.