Hi, my name is Carrie and I have recently discovered reborning. I absolutley love this art it is so beautiful!! I am very interested in becoming apart of this beautiful art but I am trying to figure it all out. So do you set the paint in an actual oven? and if so do you use the oven you cook your food in or do you have an extra oven just for reborning? thanks so much!!!
Hello Carrie and welcome! There are many posts in the forum that can answer all your questions =) Just go the the search box and type in what your looking for. There is a ton of information here if you have the time and patience to do a little research =) Someone is always here to help you find something you can't find yourself.
Hi Carrie... As Tina mentioned, you'll find all sorts of opinions on the subject if you do a search of this forum. In a nutshell, some people prefer to bake (set) the paints in the regular oven in the kitchen. Others are bothered by either the smell or feel that baking vinyl in the oven is harmful so they have another oven (usually a convection oven) that is used to set the paint.
When you set the paint in the oven, be sure that you do not lay your vinyl parts directly on the hot metal rack or cookie sheet. Always protect your parts by covering your cookie sheet with a towel or large pot holder and then laying them on the cloth.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)