Hi everyone, My name is Christina and Im realllllly new to this. I am on my third doll and I have to say this is addicting!! I live in Florida and in the next 2 weeks there will be a doll show (IDEX) down the road from me. Im interested in going and looking around, not to take classes but just to see. does anyone know if there is a public charge and if the public is able to buy, or do I have to sign up/register for something? thank you so, so, so, much! :) oh one more thing, secrist offers a spray for mohair to condition, how does well does it work? the mohair I got is crazy and needs lots of help! lol
Hi Christina I personally haven't tried the conditioner from Secrist yet. I usually use a regular leave in spray conditioner you can buy in the store. I'm not sure what you mean by crazy, but if your having troubles with unruly mohair a trick alot of reborners use is putting a nylon stocking over a head after you sprayed it and leaving it on overnight. Hope I helped with a couple of your questions
I would definitely encourage you to attend IDEX. This year the Tiny Treasures Conference (the reborn doll contest and classes) is combined with IDEX. If you could afford to go to the classes, they are usually very good. This also gives you an opportunity to ask questions of the instructors.
If not, I think you will also enjoy seeing all kinds of dolls on the IDEX show floor on Saturday and part of Sunday--the only 2 days that are open to the public. I think the admission is around $20.00.
I am home pouting because I cannot attend. Seriously, IDEX is the place where you'll see the latest dolls, doll kits, supplies. I really think you would like it.
If you go when the IDEX show floor is open to the publich, I would suggest Saturday since Sunday is the last day.
You can see the info online at idexshows.com
Again... welcome to the forum.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
hi i wish i could attend the IDEX show, but i just had a baby so i cant :( however can anyone recommend another show / expo where reborns are featured. i live in southern california and cant find anything in the area.
Elizabeth, I wish I knew of one that featured reborns. I couldn't find one in so. California either. I would drive over from Phoenix so please let me know if you find anything, and I will do the same.
I wish IDEX still had a mid-year (summer) show in Las Vegas because most of us out west aren't able to go to the East Coast every year--especially, in this economy.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)