Hi, I am new at reborning... I have a baby I thought was done, I have him dressed and everything! Now I see his ears look really dark blueish grayish on the insides. How can I take care of this problem? Thanks A Million for all your help in advance! Hugs
The only way I know is reassembling him and try alittle color correcting if it bothers you that much. Without seeing a picture it's hard to see what your seeing it's probably not as bad as you think. Alot of newborns have darker inner ears. Best of luck
Or you may have missed those spots with the paint or didn't get enough paint there. You can always repaint those areas and use a heat gun to cure the paint. Be careful so you don't get too much paint in his ears. If you use a heat gun be careful near synthetic lashes and if you have used mohair or any hair, cover it with a wet cloth first. Hope this helps :)
Judy Ann, welcome to the forum! I hope some of the suggestions have helped. We are usually our own worst critics.
Sometimes it helps me to take a close up digital photo of an area, and look it it on the computer screen. If there is any aspect of the doll that doesn't look realistic on the screen, I know the area needs more color correction.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)