hi have just bough this uneeda doll,gorgous face ,limbs lovely and soft,but her head is so hard. the neck area i can squeeze a bit but the head itself i cant.she has slightly moulded hair lines as well. i dont want to ruin the head by making holes only to find i cant root,so wondered if anyone else had had this problem,if so what do you advice. i know alot of reborners now are painting the hair on with some very good results. im wodering if the head is actually plastic. see picture of her lovely face.
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-- Edited by Buffington on Sunday 27th of September 2009 12:18:08 AM
i really can't tell you what that pretty doll is made of, but you could try to paint the hair or use one of the eyebrow pencils from secrist to draw the hair, you could use a wig, or you you could have a little bald baby. they're more than one ways to deal with a problem like this, i hope one of these suits you! best of luck!
Hi Ivy thanks. i didnt realise that secrist did an eye brow pencil. i have heard of the prisma colours pencils. There is this company that does practally every colour from lips,cheeks and hair but you have to varnish over them to stop them rubbing off.
Yes, Secrist does carry the Prisma pencils for eyebrows and some for hair. If you let the pencil set for a few days you shouldn't have to put sealer over it. According to others it becomes part of the vinyl.
If your doll is "plastic" not vinyl, it is not a good idea to use the Genesis paints on them (according to Genesis). As far as rooting your little dolly there, when we run across a doll that has a hard head (Luca) we use a heated rice sock to warm the head for rooting. Please see one of the many forum threads on using the rice sock if you are interested in that method.
I have one more idea for you to use to heat the vinyl if you plan to root the hair. My family is always nervous about the combination of rice socks and the microwave. (Okay.... so I had a little accident once and caught the rice on fire.)
Instead of a rice sock I have used the heat packs that can be re-heated and re-used. The one I use is a 3" x 5" heat pack. Mine is made by Quantum (http://quantumheatpacks.com), but I'm sure there are more companies that make them. I think I bought them on eBay.
Hope it helps!
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
and thank you Pat for the information about sealing the prisma pencil eyebrows, i didn't know that they would eventually "form" into the vinyl. i was a little scared when i accidentaly rubbed little Evan's eyebrows off and demanded that no one touch him until i got some sealer! lol!
Linda, you are just a hoot hun!!! I laughed so hard (I now it probably wasn't funny then but...). :O My husband still won't let me forget how I set the WOK on fire while attempting to cook stir fry!
You're welcome Ivy. I got that info from Steph. But if you feel better about sealing the pencils in be sure to get a matte acrylic sealer. I use one from a ceramic shop, I think it's Duncan brand. Really good stuff and smells good too! Only 1 thin layer though. I can just hear you now... "Please step away from the baby!!!" lol