Hi--I'm hearing contradictory information and getting confused. I have the Encyclopedia Part One DVD and have since used the berrymaker on blushing a doll. In the DVD it never showed cutting the tip of the berrymaker and I heard from somewhere, I think it was Secrist, you should never cut the tip off your berrymakers. But recently on the forum I read a comment from Pat B. suggesting that someone should cut the tip off of their berrymaker. Pat if your out there, I would be interested in knowing why you sugested that it is better to cut the tip. Another question for any who have cut their tips, is the foam part of the berrymaker hollow inside or is it a solid piece of foamy material--I don't want little white circles all over the blushed part of my doll if I decide to cut the tips!!! Thanx---Jaden
Mr Secrist was the first one that told us in a class I took from him to cut the very tip of the berrymakers off. I tried it both ways not understanding why he wanted it done that way. I did find that I had less slippage on the wet vinyl with the tips cut off. With the tips left on my berrymakers were slipping and causeing streaks. I know there are others that use them and I guess you gotta try for yourself and see which way is the best for you.
No they are not hollow but are full little sponges so you won't get little hollow circles on your baby. :)
Someone has tried to cut them? I am afraid to do and destroys them, I tried them but USA too and I slide with the painting! Do you have an idea to come I do?
Paula, all I know is that if I do not cut the tips off of mine, they slide all over and don't do a good job. If I cut them (and you only cut just the very tip off the end) and they fall apart after I use them it is because maybe I wore them out. They actually stay together very well if you do not cut more than just the tip off.
I haven't got a berry maker at the moment, as im a newby. is there anything i could use as an alternative until i gather some funds together to buy some more kit? Thanks Cathy
There is no other love greater than that of a Mother!
Depends on what look your going for. I personally don't use the berry makers I use a variety of items. Sometime I use a sea sponge and sometimes I use a regular old household sponge picked apart to give me a mottled look. If you search through the tread in the forum there are tons of other ideas artist here use. Hope this helps!
I also use sponges (kitchen, sea, etc) and Secrist does now have several to choose from on their website. Sometimes the way we find things to use for effect is totally by accident! I now look at things from a "doll" artist's perspective telling myself that each thing I find will be good for something.
It's like my jewelers tools... I bought a set of the mini screwdrivers at the dollar store and I alter them to suite my wax-carving needs. Something that just came by accident but is inexpensive and works!
Thank you guys for the tips, I have used a sea sponge on this baby and am quite pleased with the result. I will keep my eyes peeled and look for things I could possibly use in my new craft. Best Wishes Cathy
There is no other love greater than that of a Mother!
I think this has been pretty well covered, however....
I have used very tiny scissors to cut my own patterns in cosmetic sponges--the ones that are generally used to pounce the paint onto the vinyl.
I apply a small amount of paint to the cut up sponge and then lightly pounce as I continually rotate the sponge. It's just another way to accomplish a newborn skin effect without breaking the bank on more tools.
Linda Dreyer~ Forum Moderator Secrist Certified Newborning Teacher & Dealer Apple Valley DW Dealer Play Days Dolls & Collectibles PlayDaysDolls.com (Current Avatar: Erinfrom Secrist Dolls)
Yes, someone posted about taking one of those sponges and picking little bits out of it with a tweezers, same line as Linda with the scissors. :) Check out some of the other posts and see if you can gleen some extra info :)