i am painting bubba an d she turned out very chalky, i was wondering if i could paint over that since it has already been baked? the dvd said i had used to much paint the first time. thanks
Go to the painting tecniques section, as this question has beenanswered before, I haven't come accross it yet, but you may get some answers there. If you haven't finished painting her ,you can strip her back with acetone, make sure uif you do to wash her in warm soapy water and let dry before you begin again. XXXX June.
June is right and your thoughts are too, yes too much paint. Even though she is baked already, try taking some of your thinner and dabbing on the paint. Could be some will come off. But in case not, you might think of stripping her back. If you do, don't rub the paint off as it will make the vinyl shiny and the next paint won't stick. Just use a cotton ball and do one swipe at a time. When you're done wash like June said but in HOT sudsy water, and then yes, dry thoroughly (especially inside so you don't get mold). Hope this helps :)
I had a baby once that I had that problem with. I already bake it and it was a B-Day present so I didn't have the time to strip it and start over. I used thinning medium to my paints for my remaining layers instead of thinner and it seemed to have helped . I don't know if anyone else has tried this and the success they had or not but it did help me on that baby. I now use the thinning medium for my base layer then the thinner for the rest.