I just received my Marissa May Sera to paint and the vinyl is light purple. How do I neutralize the color? Do I do the internal wash like the training video? This is my first doll and I want her to work out. Thanks! PS, I did order the color wheel from Secrist on Monday.
We only suggest the internal wash on the Secrist/AV vinyl as it is made a special way to be translucent like a real baby's skin. Most of the other vinyls or vinyl/silicone mixes are not translucent so don't need it.
You can do a search in the forum for information on color correcting. But definately wait if you can for your colorwheel :)
Help! I used the phthalo green instead of the mint wash that was suggested on bb's forum and now my Sera looks all bruised. I tried using flesh 8 with a little blush but it still looks bruised. What can I do or should I strip her and start all over again and order the mint green from bb?
Oh My! Poor thing :( At this point since it sounds like a bunch of colors are making the brusing color, I think (IMHO) that it might just be time to strip her down and start fresh. Just be sure when you do you immediately wash the parts in hot sudys water and rinse well.
As far as the mint wash, you just need your flesh 08 or 07 (whichever one you were going to use for the base color) and just the tip of a toothpick of the pthalo green to mix. OK... have at! Let us know how it comes out.